Thomas_vdKamp Happy Easter! 🥚Arguably the most beautiful eggs are laid by stick insects. More than a decade ago, I did my diploma thesis on them. And despite my focus of research shifted a little bit since then, they never stopped to fascinate me. #phasmatodea #stickinsects #entomology pic.twitter.com/ACUOg8bUy7

Ah, those helpful Amazon reviews. pic.twitter.com/r5ccy4tDx7
@CharlieVivante We are, apparently, drill twins. #teambosch #random

Is it wrong to want an armchair just because it reminds you of Avon from Blake’s 7? vinterior.co/listings/maths… #Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/sR2qzOxTs5
@domwakeling No, it’s why square bread was invented!
Toasted sourdough bread is one of the nicest things on the planet. It seems needlessly cruel, therefore, that it is mostly created in shapes that are desperately annoying to fit into a toaster.
caitlinmoran Is The Battle of Cyclists vs Motorists an episode of Game of Thrones I missed? Is this an official war? What if YOU are a motorist, but you ALSO have a bike? THIS WILL TEAR US APART twitter.com/peterwalker99/…
@iamtheshunt1 @dangusset That just sounds like an excellent lineup at the Louisiana.
plinketyplink2 Anyone else have secret names for their neighbours that they don’t know about?
In our street is,
Freda Frosties
Bob the Builder
Fat Head
The ginger nob head
Hoover bag tits.
@plinketyplink2 Hypocrisy given my own size, but my upstairs neighbours are “Hatty and Fatty”. I also use “Stompy McShitmusic” arbitrarily for either.