Louiestowell Trolling a gecko with science twitter.com/rainmaker1973/…
Aww. I actually remember reading this one! twitter.com/randomsmashhit…

DarrellPrichard Happy 27th birthday #Windows 3.1! April 6,1992 (Also my first day at Microsoft.) pic.twitter.com/P8Qt1va8gl
@thomasvenables When you win you can buy me a Jensen Interceptor.

Bristol Brigand, 1988. pic.twitter.com/jEQUvD4KSV

Bristol Type 401, 1952. pic.twitter.com/LrTZ83gk5n
@Wonkypolicywonk Okay, that was great.
@GeoffWilkins I’m sorry, I think I misheard that?
@Wonkypolicywonk Having had my arse handed to me by both the Times and the Guardian already this week, I’m not sure that’s great news for my lunch hour!
@WTF4Law No worries. (If you want to feel like that for an hour *every* morning, I recommend the Times cryptic crossword.)
@WTF4Law So your brain was giving enough of a hint for me to get it!😂
@WTF4Law Ah. Syllogism.
@WTF4Law A priori?
potch There should be a hotline you can call where you can safely pronounce words you’ve only ever read out loud for the first time, and they say “oh sweetie” and kindly explain how it’s pronounced.
@WTF4Law Deductive reasoning?
Commoner in “nobility took my property” shocker. bbc.com/news/newsbeat-…