andrewducker Perfect social engineering hacking example. twitter.com/Kevin2600/stat… pic.twitter.com/4fP6bQdYAv
@jephjacques And yet right now I ask Alexa to play music for reading, and Spotify starts shuffling bible readings. The AI future is quite unevenly distributed.

niko_tinius the population of the UK – joy division stylpic.twitter.com/haW1i598WSWS

bitfield The software to create the black hole in the movie ‘Interstellar’ is a full implementation of Einstein’s equations in 40,000 lines of C++, and rendered thousands of 23-megapixel IMAX frames on a 32,000-core render farm at about 20 core-hours per frame arxiv.org/pdf/1502.03808… pic.twitter.com/5olOtddvkJ
@Dru_Marland Aww!