@Beathhigh Plot twist: there is no Danish TV channel like that. It’s the live feeds from your host’s other Airbnb properties.
@shezza_t Flowers aren’t seasonal. That’s just disinformation spread by Big Flower to artificially increase demand.
@Juggzy There’s got to be a story. Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the Exploding Buttercups. #conspiracy #bigbuttercup
Juggzy @gothick it’s a buttercup. Those are sure fancy for buttercups. Why ARE buttercups all over social media?
@djelibeybi_meg I just *bet* there’s a whole slew of jigsaw argot. You’re probably looking for a “three-nutted left hand squirrel” or something.
djelibeybi_meg Calling all jigsaw nerds: are there words for the blobs and holes on the pieces? I’d like to be able to describe the piece with a blob on the north, east, and, south of a piece, (with a hole on the west side) for the bit I need.

I had no idea what a #ranunculus was until a month ago, and now ranunculi seem to be all over social media. Is it the Baader–Meinhof effect, or a stealth marketing campaign by Big Flowerpic.twitter.com/qEi7i8hi6g6g
@darth_na @danbarker It’s going to be one of those films where you walk out entertained but five minutes later think, “But hang on. Why would a beehive even *have* a “blow” setting?”
@danbarker @CarolForden I’m glad about that, because my first thought was an indoor cockroach farm.
I do love the fine, fine randomness of a Big Clive video. youtu.be/bnFkCZCsikU
“Hello, Star Fleet technical support? Yes, I see. And have you tried turning the hostile super-intelligent artificial intelligence off and on again? Yes, I’ll stay on the line…”

Hello again, old friend. pic.twitter.com/yvPFzhEhzP
Oof. Hope everyone’s okay. At least the car didn’t manage to convert the Merchants into a drive-through this time. twitter.com/preacher66/sta…
Traffic’s a little unhappy in Hotwells because of this. Whichever way you’re going, if you’re driving you might want to avoid if you can. Lots of ambulances on site :( twitter.com/FirstBSA/statu…
@garydunion I wonder if they could arrange a *very* limited recrudescence.
“Alexa, make me cringe so hard I fit my entire arm in my mouth.” “Tuning in to Radio 4 for Alistair welcoming Jakob.” #thearchers
“I bet there are plenty of things he wants to get off his chest.” Yeah, that tattoo, for one. #thearchers
@TJLK @holly This. Reddit appears to have some lovely communities, but it’s a bit like discovering a nice pub and only later finding out that they host the monthly local neo-Nazi meeting.
@hayles Amen. I never felt so lardy and un-catered-for as when I was buying jogging gear, even at my “thinnest”.