I think we’re actually going to need a graph of @brexitcountdow1 over time.

PDLComics self employed pic.twitter.com/tgrOhWxPVL
@__nca @CharlieVivante I’m actually quite surprised I guessed that right.
@CharlieVivante I thought everyone already had one of those.

dangusset Wow, photographer James Friedman on the interior design of golf balls. Hadn’t realised how much variety there is. When I hacked one open as a kid it was like an elastic band ball inside and went spiralling everywhere. Via @presentcorrect jamesfriedmanphotographer.com/index.php?/pro… pic.twitter.com/cB7ktI10JM
TobyonTV Brexit is so messed up you now have fascists who don’t want trains to run on time twitter.com/itvnews/status…
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person who’s been utterly assiduous about their brushing and flossing for six solid months, will nevertheless be told off by their hygienist.
@csoanes Turns out my RCD didn’t trip; it’s the mechanics of the switch stiffening up that caused it not to pull. But yes, still very glad the circuit’s covered by one. I guess the water didn’t make it to bare wires.