tomkatsumi This thread is astounding, the Austen of the modern era.…

davidottewell So having analysed the names of 20,000-odd councillors I was going to do a map showing the most common local politicians’ names in different places. Only problem is you end up with A GREAT BIG MAP OF JOHN
@ChristinaMcMc Well, he has the depth, elegance and IQ of an Asda pizza, so perhaps it was an honest mistake.
@OpinionatedGeek I have a vague impression that in the Red Dwarf books it was Kryten’s crew’s original mission to detonate a pattern of supernovae that spelled “COKE ADDS LIFE”…

@KatieWhyatt @DawnHFoster You must have somehow missed his original fax.
@dangusset Ah, the beauty of a pie-gone era.
@holly Also: No, your video on how to successfully drill holes in tiles does not, in fact, need death metal accompaniment or special effects.

BBCArchive #OnThisDay 1986: Top Gear checked out futuristic car navigation technology that harnessed the awesome power of CDs.
It’s amazing that the internet’s allowed so many people to become experts in such varied fields. Thanks, Al Gore, for your grand invention.…
@mcclure111 @ami_angelwings Yah. I’d go with Life on Mars and Breaking Bad.
rolanddreier I guess the best thing about that Ian McEwan quote in the @guardian is that Iain Banks savagely dunked on it in the @guardian eight years ago.…
@simonindelicate And it’s lovely of the internet to let them crowbar their opinions into our conversations all year round, and not just at Christmas.
@AthanSpod Thanks!