Scattergun Lust #nameofmysextape…
Also, you know, UGH. But still curious.
Um. So, out of interest, how many of you have had a secret crush on nine of your friends at once? Am I doing secret crushes wrong? Seems high.…
@UrsulaWJ Still tempted to start a campaign, if only because I could call it Why Don’t You Give a Fork?
samjordison In a funny kind of way, this is the most revealing tweet @adamboultonSKY has ever written about what’s wrong with the UK, a country where intellectual ambition is feared and loathed.…
@waiyeehong Well butter my flapjack and call me Shirley.
@lu1820 @AskLloydsBank I’m getting the same with the website. Trying to pay myself this morning and it finally worked on the fourth try! Not reassuring…

A perennial complaint, I know, but I am truly curious as to what brought about the mass cafe back-pedal re the invention of the fork.
@fourfoot Hi! Thanks for the follow!!! Here’s some really important information about subscribing to my newsletter!!!
Triangle__Walks @fourfoot Most human behaviour does this. In no particular order:
1. Stopping in shop doorways for conversations / dithering
2. Mobile phone conversations on trains
3. Slow people walking 2-3 abreast on pavements.
4. Buying CDs online, and the Jiffy bag is full of jewel case splinters.

goulcher help I can’t stop watching her knife trick