@technex 3 metres of cat5e. Hurrah for Amazon Prime; it’ll be here tomorrow :)
@Thehappyfatgirl I fear you would run out of colours. At some point I may just declare cable collection bankruptcy and chuck the lot!
@Thehappyfatgirl Only if you have a good feel for what cables I’ll need in the next couple of years :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Yeah, well, me too. But it’s amazing how far down your “to do” list “tidy cable drawer” appears.

All this and I still don’t have the right cable. pic.twitter.com/KOFXsqIO
Leesa_wallace I am in a cafe. I suspect this tweet may not earn me many retweets.
Sailing by. instagr.am/p/KFzCH2pC_6/
Waiting for a boat in the sunshine. This makes me happy. @ Bristol Waterfront instagr.am/p/KFwyzMJC-5/
@MissEmmeline Aww. *blushes*
@chubbybannister They still do. Also, good green tea and chai lattes these days :) I am sad I have to go now.

@chubbybannister That would certainly make sense. This should jog a memory or two :) pic.twitter.com/MlEagAue
“To assume makes an ass out of ‘u’ and ‘me’!”
“Yes, and ‘incest’ is an anagram of ‘nicest’. Wordplay doesn’t make things true, moron.”
I am having tea and a pastry in @BaristasBristol. Am tempted to repeat the process until it’s home time. Work would probably object, though.
wood5y today’s best Post headline! thisisbristol.co.uk/Headling-xcvx-…
@chubbybannister I always feel guilty about not sounding ill enough.
@MissEmmeline Yes. Benchy sunshine would need a marquee and a lighting crew. @BaristasBristol it is.
@stillawake :( Mornin’.