Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 26th, 2012

Just back from watching an evening of live European music. There was no voting involved, but I don’t feel like I missed out.

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Village wine. And a slightly out-of-tune bouzouki. May need more wine.

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hayles Oh wow @OcadoUK, so your drunk driver hits @pip but you can’t even be bothered to organise a food shop for him? Know who I won’t be using.

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@KirstyHigginson Facebook, because there’ll be more family on to keep an eye on things.

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@BlackDogDays Sorry! *Catches stampy feet* *Massages stampy feet*

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@liveindetail I’m enduring two Greek blokes, one of whose guitar needs some serious tuning attention. Might swap for Eurovision.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Not at the moment. Ask me again when I’ve been back at work for a few weeks :)

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I love a good swim in the sea. *treads wet footprints through parents’ apartment*

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@Thehappyfatgirl I will. It should not be tough. (The Peugeot is my parents’, outside front door :D)

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@liveindetail Think they’re playing The Fleece next month, aren’t they?

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@Thehappyfatgirl This is a public beach. Also, my current self-confidence levels suggest that *nobody* wants to see that…

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I have spent the day partying with my parents in Crete. This has involved A Lot of food. I may also be* slightly tipsy.

*clearly am.

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@wood5y This does not surprise me, given that he’s probably the only hero of mine whose back catalogue starts in black and white…

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@SourdoughCafe Coke float? Damn it, I’m in the wrong country.

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@Jorence You realise those devices work outdoors, right?

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Even if I get around to seeing the film, fairly sure “The Avengers” is forever hardwired to spring Steed and Mrs. Peel to my mind…

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@Phooto Not bad. Partying with t’parents later. Hoping it won’t be wall-to-wall jazz, at least…

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Morning all. How are we today?

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@tsunimee @ahnlak super bright and sunny would normally be a big pointer to 100 ISO.

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