Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 17th, 2012

@MissEmmeline Also, lunch tomorrow? Perhaps somewhere indoors and warm? x

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@MissEmmeline I didn’t even mention the word “cider” until you appeared with a pint in your hand! NO FAIR BLAME ME GRR.

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@MissEmmeline Oi! I’ve been cleaning and tidying all evening. Don’t put this on me.

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@Bristol52 @BristolUnique @SuMountstevens Feeling fine. Taking this week off running due to lack of time. Wondering what weather we’ll get!

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@hayles It is certainly not bad for the money, but I’ve only been there in person.

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Hangin’ out by the water. @ No 1 Habourside

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Warning: that last retweet contains potentially dangerous levels of Bill Murray, too.

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chrismarquardt What’s that tiny camera he uses? RT @philipp: Look cute with Bruce Willis:…

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 4:41 PM, May 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Phooto They’re playing in Bristol tomorrow night. Might not be able to make it, though, damn it.

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@ukscone @ahnlak @asic69 @Sally_abee That’s okay, I may have someone sourcing me one of the two that he accidentally ordered, too…

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@burdock_tea Also, if you go in there as regularly as I do, it’s basically like having a coffee with your mates :)

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@burdock_tea Baristas do great coffee if you like a strong dark roast. Luckily, I do :)

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In Baristas, with a jazz sound track, waiting for my green tea. Niiiice.

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@liveindetail @ockhams_shotgun Oop. Sorry. *puts pom poms back in holster*

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@ockhams_shotgun *deploys pom poms* *Does birthing encouragement dance*

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@Jorence Sorry to hear that, fella.

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