@BlackDogDays I saw Mandy at work today, got an excellent “what are *you* doing here?” double-take from her :) @ramonyouseph
@AliceHarold Congrats!
@stillawake Details sent :)
@BlackDogDays At some point, all those cars will probably be electric, which might help…
@BlackDogDays Jeepers.
@KaveyF I had to have a CRB check before they’d let me start here again!
@mattgemmell Consider also “Partial matching for Applications” option under Features/Applications. Works better with my brain, anyway.
@BlackDogDays I don’t know much about prices at all at the mo. Don’t even know what mine’s worth, come to think of it…
@mattgemmell I always thought the Adobe icons basically said “given our audience, anything will be criticised, so let’s cop out.”
@BlackDogDays Well, I was thinking of moving uphill. Probably need to save up for a while longer for that particular hill, though.
RichNeville Some have forgotten the #bluepeter sweat shops; a nation’s children subjugated into making the props for Blake’s 7 for four years.
@adam_pope I’m probably more aware of noun because I’ve worked in insurance for years, so “dependant adult”, etc. get bandied about a lot.
@adam_pope Do they spell those two differently from us? Which do they use for which?
@asic69 (Which wouldn’t have been a surprising number to hit *before* I started using iCloud…)
@asic69 I’ve been using it some (on 3G) the last few months, highest monthly bandwidth I hit was 828MB.
@Bristol52 Thanks!
On Sunday, I will run the Bristol 10K, raising money for CLIC Sargent. All donations gratefully received! Thanks :) bit.ly/L5SgBI
@domwakeling @asic69 I think it’s probably the latter*. *But they’ve never told me off, so at least it fits *my* definition of “reasonable”.
@asic69 the original O2 unlimited plan. Though I don’t think I’m using that much data. I’ll have to check.
@danfairs It is. It’s not *too* bad on desk at work with wifi. But it’s pretty crap when wandering around outside.
iCloud music playback on my phone is taking me right back to the days of my skipping, stuttering Sony Discman. #nostalgia
In my timeline today, @AliceHarold and @amberanima are having a giving-birth race!
@tsunimee Yup. Four episodes. Think they’ve at least announced a third, though.