Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 3rd, 2012

TheSimonEvans I don’t like skiing. Its “i”s are too close together.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:52 PM, May 3rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@rabidbee I had forgotten completely about the fmeet. D’oh.

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@hayles Sorry to hear that. Lots of friends seem be having job-related annoyance at the moment. *punches arm sympathetically*

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@johnfbraun Extra time and trouble, though. And it’s the first big bill in nine years of ownership. Going to suck it up.

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@spyou I don’t use faves for that, I use Instapaper. Many twitter clients support sending to it (or Pocket/Readability/Whatever)

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@KaveyF @ahnlak You can literally shoot holes in my tyres with a gun and they carry on rolling. Saves boot space in Mini; don’t need spare!

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@KaveyF I used to do postal when working in Swindon. Today I had a day off and polling station is about five mins downhill…

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@BlackDogDays @hayles Well, you may tell him that the Park Street guys impressed me this afternoon :)

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@BradleyLaw My old Cinquecento was £500 off eBay :) But I prefer the MINI for reliability and comfort…

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@liveindetail And some mechanical competence. I’m awful with cars.

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@liveindetail Car’s nearly 10 years old now; I knew a big bill would come along sooner or later.

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@liveindetail Mostly it’s parts costs that won’t come down much elsewhere. BMW back box and a runflat tyre.

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@TonytheArtist It’s a lovely car. I don’t begrudge it the money. And at least I have a job to pay for it at the moment.

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@ahnlak No, they’re made of runflat. Which is worth it when you need it, in my experience.

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@TonytheArtist (They use them in the MINI to save room in the boot; you don’t need to carry a spare tyre.)

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@TonytheArtist MINI Cooper; runflat tyres do as the name suggests — you can shoot holes in the sides of these things and they keep rolling.

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This is the first serious wonga I’ve spent fixing this car since I bought it in 2005, though. Painful, but not unexpected.

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@TonytheArtist Smidge under £700, I reckon. Just the tyre is £180, because it’s a runflat.

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So, tomorrow I will spend on a single tyre and an exhaust more than I paid for the whole of my previous car… Oh well.

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@Phooto (Exhaust box plus runflat tyre, by the way…)

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@Phooto Way out. It’s a 2003 car I bought in 2005. This is the first serious money it’s cost, though, which I don’t think is bad.

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Ouch. They need the car another day, and I will soon be about £700 poorer.

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@hayles Having said that, I definitely prefer the average BTP to the average Starbucks, but the SB on Park Street seems above average.

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@hayles Yur. Also, the good decaf had to be cafetiere, as their espresso wasn’t working, and they apologised with a free brownie!

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It is actually quite pleasant for working. Darker, quieter, and with more other workers than BTP. And the decaf is good.

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In Starbucks, coding.

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Here’s a thought. How about, instead of a QR code, you put THE BLOODY PRICE?

via Twitter for iPhone

@chocablog I voted. Will you send me chocolate?

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I have voted. Indications of a terrible turnout. I was 24th person that polling station helper had given a ballot paper to (since 7am.)

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Tag Whore. (This is the one I was on about on Saturday, @aka_Kenny…)

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Off to lunch with @MissEmmeline. Might vote on the way.

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stevebiscuit@SocketStudios: What happens when you steal a site but forget to host the js yourself.” << cracker!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:04 PM, May 3rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Dichohecho @hayles Where did you read the proposals?

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@MrGreenGus I will invent a 3D-printable stacking adapter and make my fortune.

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@MrGreenGus Think I might be able to keep these outside. Shame the black and green bins aren’t nicely stackable pair…

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@MrGreenGus There must be *some* way I can fit all these recycling containers into my current tiny flat. *fetches sledgehammer*

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Good news: I now have my green recycling box, so can save the planet more easily. Bad news: I may have to move to a bigger house now.

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@Malarkey Indeed. Also thankful for the fact I’ve not been left crying and broken by iDisk syncing since I started using Dropbox instead.

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@liveindetail Now I’m just thinking of Kryten.

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@JimCombiline Incidentally, did you invoice me for the garden tap? Don’t remember paying!

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@JimCombiline You may want to follow Twitter’s “I’ve been hacked” advice (pic of DMs attached.)

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@JimCombiline I think you may have been hacked. Unless you meant to DM me about a miracle diet, anyway…

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@chris_j_hughes Mostly it’s in a take-out cup being carried to the office, so it’s less photogenic. Also, tea art is harder to do!

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@chris_j_hughes This is my second coffee of the week. Normally I’m drinking green tea at the moment.

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My apologies for upside down photo posting recently. Seems something is getting mangled with my EXIF data between my phone and teh net.

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@AthanSpod (As in, the *original* is the right way up. Viewing the posted result is upside down.)

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@AthanSpod Hrm. It’s the right way up on my phone. Something may be stripping the EXIF orientation data.

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@tweetbot Erm. Is there a known issue with tweeted photos appearing upside down in recent builds?

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@AthanSpod I’m not sure. That happened yesterday, too. Fairly sure my phone normally knows which way up I’m holding it.

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@benjohnbarnes Huh? What happened? Not the new car?

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One problem I have with mayors is that people are easily swayed by a charismatic dickhead.

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@talkie_tim @hayles But still, I could have lost all of my savings due to being wooed by excellent typography, which was a good lesson.

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@talkie_tim @hayles Indeed. And also, their website worked in my browser, which gave them one up on the British alternative I considered.

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@mummyblogger Heh. That’s about where I’ve just got to.

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@hayles (The last time I was swayed by excellent design, I ended up putting all my saving in Icesave. Oops.)

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@hayles First data point: the “yes” vote have more Google juice and nice web design. I shall try not to let the latter sway me.

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@hayles I think I’m going to have to try and do some last minute cramming. I’ve got the day off, at least, and until 10pm to work it out.

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@Misscay While it sounds like the rest of his views are bollocks, I find it hard to object to (literally) lofty ideals of space exploration.

via Echofon in reply to ChristinaMcMc

@hayles I am tempted to scrawl “WHERE’S MY LEAFLET, DAMN IT?” across the paper.

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@nineweeks Well, I personally think she’s pretty magical. Shame she’s a bit young for me, though.

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Car dropped off. Back to town for brekkers.

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Garage employee delivers copy of The Times to waiting area. The customers watch, then continue reading. iPhone, iPhone, tablet.

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simonblackwell Polling stations have cubicles because a lot of men find it difficult to vote standing next to someone else.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 8:24 AM, May 3rd, 2012 via TweetCaster for Android)

@Misscay Is that so laughable? We could probably do it. Though when I say “we”, sadly, I mean the US.

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@Phooto I love the old school Mini, but don’t have the time, resources or talent to give one the attention it’d need. So, new for me, too :)

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@liveindetail Might work. Especially as it’s the steering I’m a worried about. BMW dealer, mind, so might need £100 and a Tag Heuer.

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Definitely beats the other car dealerships I’ve had to hang around in. Coffee time while I wait for lift into town :)

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I shall also be taking my voting card, in case I feel a sudden need to spoil a ballot paper.

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@Phooto I guess it’s a MINI. I just don’t care that much about their branding…

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Morning all. Taking my little Mini for its MOT today. Hoping it won’t break the bank. *crosses fingers*

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