@MissEmmeline @SourdoughCafe ‘Kay. *mwah*
@tsunimee Well, I didn’t think any man on earth would be lucky enough for *both*…
@MissEmmeline I am being Tarapopped at 6. Deffo on for lunch in the sun, though. Or in the rain.
@tsunimee Hey. That’s the red psycho I love you’re talking about. #wrong #butalsoright
@tsunimee Ooh, Luther. Some fine acting in that.
@Thehappyfatgirl Thanks :)
Very tired, grumpy and headachey. An early night beckons, I reckon.
@tweetbot Cool, thanks!
@tweetbot My pics keep posting at odd rotations (like the EXIF orientation’s going missing between Tweetbot and Twitter) Any ideas? Ta!

Nice apostrophe, #bristol. pic.twitter.com/xerMmo1j
@tsunimee No.
The voyage home :) instagr.am/p/Kp2p5_JC5R/
@Ninja_lynneja @Thehappyfatgirl *cuts in* SO DO I! *starts cake fight*
Out in the sunshine at last. Bloody lunchtime meetings.
@Thehappyfatgirl YES PLEASE.
@amberanima Sadly, smacking the family in the next bed around the head with a bedpan would probably only get you on the show…