@ahnlak Try this for an easy start thingsthatarebrown.com/blog/2010/05/d…
@ahnlak WP Super Cache. Mostly due to familiarity than other reasons, mind.
@Thehappyfatgirl Before I read back for context, my thought was, “Well, if he can’t remember, I’d be offended, if I were you…”
@ahnlak *shakes head despairingly*
@ArryMatt was that a third of a mile or a third of a minute? :)
@BlackDogDays If it helps, it just makes me feel a bit like I’m at the beginning of an episode of _House_…
@ahnlak What cache are you using, out of interest?
@hayles Sucky. Sorry you didn’t get it.
@andybeebristol Expecting my new exhaust box to be carved from single large Swarovski crystal.
“Visio” is the Latin word for “painful user interface.”
@liveindetail No way. This is BMW we’re talking about. They’re like the mafia, only their hit men drive more reliable cars.
@ChinaShopBull *cries*
My car is ready. I don’t know what the full bill is, yet. Putting finding out off until the last moment.

@MissEmmeline Do it! It’s quite nice out. pic.twitter.com/r46TAXUM