Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 2nd, 2012

My existence has been far less hermit-like these last few weeks, but I still have yet to hear anyone outside Twitter mention .

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stuheritage Don’t worry everyone, I’ve found the worst outfit for sale anywhere on the internet:

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Feet up, Skyping with m’dad.

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@fergieweather You know, there’s been virtually no lightning in Bristol since we recorded that interview about how to photograph lightning!

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Trying some Brewdog Punk IPA having seen it in Waitrose and recognised it from @petedrinks :) Nice!…

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Nice catchup with @MissEmmeline in Hotcha, followed by a cheeky half in the Old Fish Market :D

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@theagilmore Listening to _Hush_. Sounds great _per se_; amazing when you know it was recorded on an iPad! Nice one.

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@inkyhands Much as I love the idea, I think I’d also need to look like John Steed to pull it off. Alas…

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@inkyhands Two hands. Briefcase, mobile phone, umbrella. Something had to give.

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JNRaeside For the late risers, today @brianblessed will attempt a world space hopper record for @cftrust. I repeat, BRIAN BLESSED on a spacehopper.

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@hayles @jakepjohnson Radstock and Failand should be a fictional firm of private detectives.

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Oh, the mayor vote is tomorrow? Shouldn’t I have had that leaflet by now, then?

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