Roight. Bed beckons.
@TIMJ_Neil thanks! Yup, chuffed, and very pleased that I’m apparently ache (and blister) free, too ;)
Run report: my #Bristol10K.ā¦
@oxfamcothambook Hope the party was good!
@oxfamcothambook Sorry, I was soaking my legs in a long, long bath! Personal best, 1:05:44, and I feel perfectly fine now, so all good, ta!
Lovely evening spent watching Phil King at the Cori Tap with @MissEmmeline.
@shezza_t Ta!
@Dru_Marland Wish I’d seen it. Ah well.
@JasonJGreene Thanks! My tip: start off running with someone aiming to finish ten minutes faster than your personal best :)
@sean_robbins 2:29? Nice. And, again, hard to set a target from. Scooby it is, I reckon…
@sean_robbins What’s your half-marathon time like, Scooby? ;)
@sean_robbins Nice! I wouldn’t have caught you up even if you’d stopped for a coffee… Well done!
@archidave Ah, that could well explain it.
@sean_robbins Yup. The joy of timing chips and computers, I guess.
@Thehappyfatgirl One step at a time :D
@Thehappyfatgirl If you can turn on Photostream (iCloud) on both, they’ll just magically appear. Or fire up iPhoto and plug iPhone in.
Spitfire now seems to have gone. Naturally, as I finally got curious and grabbed my camera.
@MissRacingSnake Woo! *puts on medal* Ta!
@Pockless I have reports of a Spitfire performing over Clifton, for some reason.
@archidave Ah, so it is, indeed, exactly what it sounds like. What’s that all about, then?
Ah. My friends aren’t visiting this afternoon, as it turns out. Probably just as well, bearing in mind I’ve used most of my energy up…
Is someone actually doing aerobatics over #bristol, or does it just sound like that?
@danfairs 10Ks start looking a bit easier when you’ve done a few half marathons… :D
@RamonYouseph That’s some serious improvement! Well done!
@mhoulden Think they said around 11,000.
(And I placed at a mere 7537th across the line. One day I’ll come in the top half of a race :D )
Huzzah! Official race finish time: 01:05:44. About four minutes faster than my best #bristol10K to date!
@helencave Ta!
@helencave Yay!
Still reading _New Cthulhu_. Elizabeth Bear’s _Shoggoths in Bloom_ is fab :)
@RamonYouseph Personal best, of some kind. Itching for the official results :D You?
@annaarrowsmith That’s… Topologically impressive :)
@RamonYouseph Or quite lazy. It’s one of the two :) Well done!
WhipsAndCats “Lego-for-girls” is, and always will be, pink crap onna stick. Here’s a good illustration why:
@VeraR2010 Fab! Well done to you too!
My replies stream is full, and I’m about to have a bath, so I’ll just say thanks to everyone, and well done to everyone, too :D #bristol10K
@KaveyF :D
@ahnlak Thanks!
@KeithGough1 Ta :)
@stillawake The Byron Burger I had in bricks-and-mortar place in London was one of the best I’ve ever had.
@stillawake @Jorence @theshinythings @RamonYouseph Me too!
@malvernrunner @SHARKYontherun Sorry! Headed straight to Rocotillos with running mate for traditional post-race milkshake. :)
@MissEmmeline Soz! We’re at Rocotillos for traditional post-run shake :)
Me and Mike.
Job done. And, if my watch ties up with official time, a personal best :) #bristol10k Well done all!
And they’re off!
@stillawake Good luck!
That’ll do. Looking at the sky, I may leave the sunglasses at home, though.
@archidave I hope so. If not, I just put on some fairly off clothes to go shopping in…
@Jorence Ta!
@StJamesPT Just think of it as having done extra-good tapering :)
@HilaryCarden Yes, but let me finish this coffee first :) Have a good one. Weather looks pretty ace for it!
@Mouse_House Congratulations, Auntie Mouse.
@slicknic Ta :)
Dreamed I sprinted a lap of the #Bristol10K in between main course and profiteroles at a nice restaurant. Taking this as a good sign :D