Have knocked down a few Get Running for Android bugs, and just about finished some lyrics. Now to watch The Mentalist, then head for bed :)

kevcecil At last the hunt for Britain’s most totalitarian looking biscuit is over. pic.twitter.com/CPL0qOIq
Swapping hats for a while. Android coding time
@guriben What are you doing up there? *stares up at the giddy heights from Hotwells*
Okay. Lyrics time. Well, actually, have a cup of procrastitea time, *then* lyrics time.
@jamesakadamingo I’ll be moving onto Java later :)
@RamonYouseph I’m already pretty aerodynamic. In that I’m virtually spherical at the moment…
@domwakeling Mmmmmm. I shall be in Baristas later on. It’s possible I won’t be able to resist a pastry of some kind…
Up. Coding some PHP. Drinking some coffee. In a bit, I’ll walk into town in the sunshine. So far, this is not a bad day.
@42lbstolose Glad it’s not just me. If anything stops me beating my best Bristol 10K time next Sunday, it’ll be having to queue for a loo!