Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 9th, 2012

loveitloveit Top work, IMDB! RT @dafyddg: IMDB lets you score films out of ten. Except for Spinal Tap, which goes to eleven.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:22 PM, May 9th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@MissEmmeline Sleep tight, blackmaileress. x

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@MissEmmeline Yup, definitely some progress. But, yeah, bedtime now! Love you. And Me Me. x

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@MissEmmeline Ouchie. I mostly just played guitar. Without any self-harming.

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@burdock_tea That was what I was thinking of, indeed…

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@technex Odd. Still working for me. Oh well. Twitter is as Twitter does…

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@liveindetail I’m being fairly quiet, myself. Generally wait until upstairs are out before I record anything louder than acoustic guitar…

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@technex This is all I’ve seen so far.

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@Easybourne I am rubbish with it. But I’m at least attempting to add a bit of bow background to my current endeavour.

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Recording is temporarily paused while my neighbours finish hammering whatever it is they’re hammering.

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Little boxes, little boxes…

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Right. Time to dig out an electric guitar and a series of small boxes.

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@iguanahat I wouldn’t turn *my* back on a known criminal armed with tabasco…

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I’m assuming that the police marchers tomorrow will be entirely hidden behind a kettle of students? Seems only fair.

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RT @hayles: If anyone knows of any junior accounts/finance/bookkeeping roles in Bristol, please do tell me! Itching to find something new :)

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@VeraR2010 Should be, but won’t be till around eightish. If you don’t see me on Skype by then, give me a prod on here.

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I’m not entirely convinced that this hard drive mounting bracket actually comes with a 64MB cache, eBuyer…

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chrismarquardt “I cant help it if some of the light goes across the road. Put something up in your window.”

via Zite Personalized Magazine (retweeted on 5:04 PM, May 9th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Unashamedly enjoying Oasis.

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FLANGE GASKET. Which is, coincidentally, the phase I muttered to myself when I saw the grand total of this b

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@MsMottram @liveindetail I don’t believe it’s specifically a boy thing.

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Experimenting before work :) @ Baristas Coffee Collective

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Sigh. Off to work time, then. My back hurts.

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@liveindetail if it’s any consolation, I recognised it immediately. #4291

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