guriben Hello. I am being @0lympicTorch for a day. Please follow my route through the westcountry.
Nice nap. Now up, had coffee, going through my morning routine. What? Yes, I know it’s ten to midnight…
@ShamashAlidina Er. Working fine here.
@guriben Before then, it was those spring-and-wire no-solder “100 in 1”-type electronics kits. :)
@guriben Hrm. Remember it being before we moved house when I was 11, but don’t know how long before.
guriben Hello. Quick question. How old were you when (if at all) you were taught to use a soldering iron? Pls RT. Ta
@ShabbyBean Hurrah! Will do :)
ChribHibble The best thing about alcohol hand gel in hospitals isn’t the hygiene, but that everyone walks around like they’re hatching a dastardly plan.
Archaeologists will dig back through our fallen civilisation and wonder about UK landfills’ “plastic Union Jack bunting” layer…
In BTP, having a bacon bagel. #cultureclash

Satisfactory warranty.

Typically Bristol.
@Bristol_Culture @stillawake Dressed as a rainbow! I probably just couldn’t believe my eyes, then :)
@stillawake Fab! Well done. I missed Mersina, no idea how! Must’ve been distracted by @Jorence and @theshinythings on the other side :)