@guriben @C_J_Fox If you can afford that kind of printer, you can afford a quad that would knock the wall down rather than vice versa :D
isaacw Dirty: Marriott hotels fined $600,000 for jamming personal wifi hotspots to boost sales of its paid wifi service apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a…
I have a friend in China at the moment. He can still read text/post comments on Instagram, but can’t see pics. Odd, this censorship lark.
@chubbybannister Yup. My Nan used to favour Whisky and American (ginger ale).
HeardinLondon Wow Scotland is beautiful // Wow Danny Macaskill is skilled youtube.com/watch?v=xQ_IQS…

Same subjects, different shot/processing. #lightroom pic.twitter.com/A63Ae8nLdR
@stillawake @RollfortheSoul @nineweeks Not moi! I’ve been home all afternoon…
Individuals. instagram.com/p/tsiEz2JCzp/
@davidcaolo From memory, it originally meant to kill one in every ten men as a punishment (Roman army, I think) but changed over time.
@nineweeks And yet, still a better experience than phoning them up.
Keep on getting confused by PayPal suddenly having a website that doesn’t look awful. “Did I mis-type the URL? This isn’t unattractive…”

Bristol’s looking very Mediterranean today. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/AlyiBUvCLV
@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t Why have they got it in for me, then? Gah. I’m going to close my account. That should fix it.
@shezza_t Funnily enough, I thought unsubscribing from all their communications in the settings would, you know, unsubscribe me. *sigh*

@shezza_t Christ. I’m setting up an email rule. pic.twitter.com/i5uyo89AnB

Also, there were a bunch of people in Millennium Square earlier who had clearly never seen a car before. Curious. pic.twitter.com/q6mEXz4yLw

“I hope you’re all paying attention, class.” #bristol pic.twitter.com/JqwczVcHQ7
adamhess1 People who think they never see baby pigeons anywhere obviously don’t know what woodlice are.
@ShirtlessKirk @rem Ironically, I like it for controls, but *don’t* want it for links, so it’s probably just as well I prefer Safari.
@guriben You took a dose of Sunday?
@rem Yeah. Definitely debatable.)
@rem On the other hand, I’m a keyboard fan, so I’ve had that turned on since I got my Mac anyway, which might change my perspective.
@rem I wouldn’t have expected the OS-level setting to apply to the fine detail of links in a browser, myself. (Are they “controls”?)
@rem Not sure that’s OS X’s fault. Safari has its own setting; I think other browsers should take the cue from that and have their own, too.
@bananza (And I do have about twenty abandoned side-blogs. Just always kept the main one.)
@bananza No, but I often find that refreshing the theme I’m using helps to kick things off.
@bananza You can just start again. I just did. Besides, you’re not really a blogger until you’ve been through that phase :D
@galg Nice! I’ve roasted my own, but we don’t really have the climate for growing around here :D

stejvic I always thought horoscopes were a load of nonsense. But the Metro have got mine spot on today. Probably yours too. pic.twitter.com/IbgEHnK2EB
@talkie_tim I don’t honestly think I’d use one even enough to justify £100. *Puts on “firm resolve” frugal face*
@Shonette They’re very friendly. Definitely worth a try.

SpikyZebra WTAF @thebristolmag, Seriously? “Vaccination - The Question”? Dangerous lies. pic.twitter.com/cyBJSzAxRQ (via @WTF4Photography)
(I should note that Brigstow Lounge has plenty of customers; it’s just a little breezy to sit out unless you’ve just walked a couple miles…)

Enjoying Bristol’s cafe culture. pic.twitter.com/RccpMBLqfX
Morning, #bristol harbour. instagram.com/p/tryawXpC60/
Cyclamen. instagram.com/p/trvz3spC41/
@liveindetail I might just try that. Stand back.
@liveindetail Can I have one, too?
LouiseJJohnson So, this morning’s papers have banner headlines along the lines of YAY, NO MORE HUMAN RIGHTS. This is real in the actual world where I live.
@talkie_tim *Considers* Yur. I will be without anything wider than 24mm soon, for a while at least…
@talkie_tim Cool! I was just thinking today would be good for a timelapse. Lots of nice, quickly-moving clouds up there…
@cattyish Well, at least there’s one good reason.
GoPro recently introduced a cheaper Hero cam. I’m tempted, but I think I’d share this guy’s problem. petapixel.com/2014/10/02/vid…
Have you become set in your Lightroom ways? Try “commentary processing”: gothick.org.uk/2014/10/03/pho…
@ahnlak @DrHairbear Shut up, you chirpy bastards.
Ugh. Why am I awake?