Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 26th, 2014

BryonyWoods I was meant to spend the afternoon packing books into boxes. Naturally, I built a fort instead:

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@Kavey Yup, sounds good to me x.

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Giant floating dog menaces Cliftonwood

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@Kavey I just re-watched an episode of Life on Mars where Sam’s in 1973 and hears Pulp’s _Disco 2000_ on the radio…

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@ToM_BaL Well, I’m glad I got to it while it was still yellow rather than just rust :)

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Right. Yes. Should probably have lunch, really.

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Really should have thought through buying a ream of paper and picking up three photography books from the library.

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Sitting on the library steps waiting for opening time.

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The problems of digital art displays.

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I think the Borg are attacking the RWA.

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“This sculpture can be touched”. Love pieces like this.

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@guriben No, they’re not *that* heavy. It was broken when I got here.

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@BristolCouncil That sadly-broken bench is on Queens Road, corner Victoria Square/Lansdown Place. Grateful if you could report! Ta.

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@psidnell On the plus side, I won with the central heating timer, because going to change it I noticed I’d forgotten it back in March…

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oliverburkeman Russell Brand, gamergate, ebola on the subway…

…Suddenly struck by an idea, Billy Joel closes Twitter and reaches for a pencil and paper

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What is it about manufacturing ovens that destroys the part of the brain that can design an easily-settable clock?

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@ShabbyBean Quick! Send it to boarding school!

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@archidave …but seems sad that the only solution we can find is to make it a gated area.

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@archidave Yup. Certainly it looks to be a problem area; booze cans, a billion fag ends, piles of blankets, etc…

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@markrglover Welsh Back, looking across to Redcliffe Back.

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@charlie_cat_esq Sadly, you probably can’t make 15000% markup on wax.

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@charlie_cat_esq I imagine the meeting went, “We spent millions on advertising building a brand for something nobody wants. No what!?”

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@charlie_cat_esq Yeah, saw that last night and had similar reaction.

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This morning, I am mostly slacking on Twitter while I wait for Bristol to open.

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HylandIan Is she a good teacher?
Yes she is?
Then yes, I would.
Debate over:

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@rosechild Oh, gawd. They can go on for bloody hours. *sympathy*

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@iamdanw Careful. That means it’s probably sneaking up behind you.

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Being spotted is one of the hazards of trying to work people into your photographs.

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VisitAvebury Putting the clock back at Avebury Stone Circle: Repositioning the stones for British Summer Time @AveburyNT

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Soon I won’t be able to take photos from this viewpoint. Area being gated as tramps started sleeping there.

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