Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 14th, 2014

iamdevloper Urban myth: the Ruby developer who managed to download all the Gems they needed within a 24-hour hackathon.

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@chubbybannister Oh, that was *them*, was it? Yes, I remember liking that at the time.

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Hrm. Odd sense of scale in this one.

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@ahnlak I’ll be RAIDing it, but yeah, should keep me going for a bit :)

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@guriben @jakepjohnson Well, band I like is playing there in December, and it is close… Might need a “Sorry, I am not a ‘bear’” T shirt :D

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Where’s the Queenshilling?

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@danbarker Presumably that’s the worldview of a relatively small subset of Twitter users…

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@Bristol52 Someone not paid their TV licence?

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DropboxSupport Reports claiming we’ve been hacked aren’t true. Your stuff is safe. More info on our blog:

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@dwbuxton Yeah. It annoys me most when it’s purely digital stuff. They don’t have to ship iTunes Radio to me in a sodding box…

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@dwbuxton Yeah, I actually just assumed that bit without reading too hard.

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@PointyHound Why not? (Classic Pentax likely the same M42 lens mount as the Praktica—lots of good secondhand lenses out there…)

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@Tinpot Are you, perchance, a Luther fan, too?

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@hayles Someone does appear to have coshed Flickr’s previous drunken captain with a 70-200 lens and wrenched the wheel away from them…

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@Tinpot Yes, yes it was. Though it did go a bit nuts towards the end, as with many shows like it.

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Oooh. Flickr launch Flickr Wall Art:… I was just wondering last week why they didn’t do that already…

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