Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 22nd, 2014

MarcherLord1 Our Broadband went down y’day so my daughters came downstairs to actually speak to me. Seem like nice girls, though taller than I remembered

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:38 PM, Oct 22nd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Bristol52 Also, is chocolate on your list twice over? I like that in a list…

via Echofon in reply to Bristol52

@Bristol52 I’d have thought the Smiths in the Galleries would be the best bet. Used to be a couple of indie stationers, but no more.

via Echofon in reply to Bristol52

Yes. It was somewhat tempting to push the first one over and watch what happened.

via Echofon

@benjohnbarnes Flickr’s “Park or Bird” write-up seems to show that they can recognise sunsets with their neural net!…

via Echofon

TrooperSnooks With no Jedi apprentices to train, Yoda is reduced to preventing unsafe boiler use these days.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:12 AM, Oct 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

Flickr answers XKCD’s Park/Bird strip:…

via Echofon