@chubbybannister I think entry may have suffered from looking best big. Might’ve stood a chance if they’d printed ‘em all A4 for selection!

mikko A Microsoft developer explains in a Reddit thread why Windows 10 is called Windows 10. pic.twitter.com/qJFi8yJEJg
@chubbybannister Nope.

Shot hand-held: pic.twitter.com/gBWd9ihTCs

A snap from this evening’s walk home flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/6IKJRNG0OT
@shwood Bah. Not in the UK. *Cries*

TRUFAX pic.twitter.com/ScfpKolWk2
Lagavulin nightcap. instagram.com/p/tn5gsKJC2F/

tomroyal Heard a tap at my window in London. Who’s there? This guy: pic.twitter.com/0m4RTsDNts

Good question. #bristol pic.twitter.com/jjsgFr3Qde
@griffinkate *snigger*
DazeEnd In iOS 7.1, Apple changed the design of the shift key. This was the worst thing to happen in the history of software. allenpike.com/2014/schroding…

A little Corn Street snappity from my wander to the farmer’s market: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/5OUqBaKmyy

Go home, shopping trolley, you’re drunk. #bristol pic.twitter.com/SlJ76QsD8r
One of my favourite ways to get home in #bristol. @BristolFerry youtube.com/watch?v=DIT1OS…
Pakora sandwich! Dirty fusion street food. Corn Street farmers’ market. #bristol instagram.com/p/tnCxHupC2G/
@AthanSpod This one pops up on every new tab ten seconds after you’ve opened it.
@ahnlak Not only still around, but extremely helpful, in person. And their prices aren’t bad. It’s only that popup I don’t like!
@rem Just make some shit up and store it in 1password.

Jessops’ “Live Chat” is the new Clippy. NO. FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME THIS MONTH. I DO NOT NEED ANY HELP. GO AWAY. pic.twitter.com/YGZmqgcsTp

revrance Let’s play “spot the secure airport door code”… pic.twitter.com/B39jHbDEve

MeredithFrost This iPhone charger seems legit. Senal number checks out too.
bit.ly/1rpHZsl pic.twitter.com/Ooj6xQbLGA