Just downloaded my old TwitPic archive. Lots of nostalgia. Here’s me with the first book I had an author credit in :D pic.twitter.com/9hKQyqrATx
TwitPic It’s with a heavy heart that we re-announce that Twitpic will be shutting down again. More details on our blog bitly.com/WgmIpA
@_DavidSmith Yeah, but are we brave enough to buy the very first generation of something this new?
@tapbot_paul You can still buy 500GB drives?
2017: Apple and Gillette announce a razor whose blades are made of nine stacked iPad Ultra Airs.
@AshleyEsqueda Although they’re sadly not so self-upgradeable these days :(
@AshleyEsqueda Was 8GB the max, or just what it ships with by defualt?
@robjmills Also: Why bother installing it on that old thing when you’re going to buy a Retina Mac Pro Air tomorrow? :D
@robjmills Yeah, I know. But it’s the weekend soon. Hang in there. (Plus, the font/rendering is worse, in my humble opinion.)
@robjmills Took about two and a half hours to install on my (elderly) Mac. And then I had to fix all the work stuff.
I’ve never bought an iPad. But now they’re 18% thinner, I’m really tempted. Because it was the thickness that was putting me off. #maybenot
Pinboard Apple made something thinner! I wonder if their corportate cafeteria is allowed to cook any kind of pasta beyond angel hair

@marcoarment Fido: “Please make it stop.” pic.twitter.com/NIiRYU8iiY
mathowie It’s Been Far Too Long really is the theme of this Apple event, huh?
It’s when Google send me marketing about the latest Take That album that I relax, because they clearly know *nothing* about me.

Some commuters are luckier than others. #Bristol flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/OFUENhCGMw
MrGreenGus Great to see the People’s Plant Collection project in Cumberlain Piazza is still going strong. Why not vote for them? bit.ly/1DeVmku
@sstarr Cool :D
@ahnlak Oh yeah. My one regret is that I didn’t decide until after breakfast, so I was too full for a croissant chaser :D
Privacy. instagram.com/p/uNP3_mpC9R/

As a home worker, I miss the prettiness of my old #bristol commute. Today I “walked to work” via Brigstow Lounge. pic.twitter.com/Pucg31rjnT
For someone who hates that newspaper, you sure spend a lot of time generating pageviews for them.