Mitchell & Webb—The…e
@NetflixUK Where the hell did the “recently watched” section in the Apple TV app go?
@bexxi Nah. I just have a little man in a nice wine shop who has a better memory for what I like than I do :D
@bexxi (Though I can currently tell you that if you spot a bottle of this stuff anywhere, it’s *lush*:… )
@bexxi Mmmmmmpizza. Don’t know much about Corbières, though. I try to get into wine, but my memory for what I’ve tried is awful.
@boagworld *Sympathy* Presumably it won’t be too long before you’re back home?
The time of the Great Defrosting is upon me. Thus I am having fish finger sandwiches (and Shiraz) for dinner. #classy

@HollowayGossip @missmcq Pretty big over here, too.
@Bristolvor I’d love to be able to do better, though. I wonder how much an actual telescope with a Canon mount costs?
Ah, red wine.
@Bristolvor Sadly, its a bit hazy out there. And I don’t have a telescope. But it was still worth a go.
@mousedogbaby Have you been outside in the last hour or so? It’s HUGE.

Snappity snap: Waxing gibbous.
Anyway. Also shot a roll full of film today, which doesn’t suffer from that problem. No idea if I can still shoot film or not. We’ll see…
One day I’ll learn to clear the old photos off my card before shooting more photos. One day.
@antimitch Sadly I’ve only been on a few times this year. Yeah, it’s the ultimate in friendly public transport, basically. And no traffic!
C Bond at sundown.
Sydney Row.
@antimitch Yeah. I miss it, as a commute.
@antimitch I usually pay these days. But I do have an everlasting season ticket somewhere. Swapped for some photography work a while back.
@antimitch Sorry, in town now for an appointment!
Not sure I’d want my boat’s name to be an anagram of the word “sink”.
Something’s brewing. #bristol
HeardinLondon You say “tomato” & I say “tomato”, you say “potato” & I say “potato”, you say “webinar” & I say “I’m sorry, it’s over, I’m leaving you.”
@benjohnbarnes (What’s the source of these images, by the way? Is it me? Because I often just leave alpha boxes ticked out of habit…)
@benjohnbarnes Looks like pngcrush would do the trick then.
(But, probably, “pngcrush -c 2 <file>”. pngcrush is available in Homebrew, or is packaged inside ImageOptim, which is a handy tool to have.)
@benjohnbarnes Unneeded alpha? What do you want to replace it with?

BBCEngland A Halfords lorry with the slogan “we fit” is stuck under a bridge in south-east London.
@benjohnbarnes Yeah, it’s partly that, not helped by the fact the stuff is heavy and awkward to move around.
@foxc Family heirloom :)

Right. Photo session done. Furniture is surprisingly hard to take pictures of.
Being your own photographer’s assistant.
@benjjwilliams @melindiscott The Co-Op was out of Frank Coopers. This is *emergency* fair-trade, hand-knitted marmalade.

@benjjwilliams @melindiscott Check.