Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 28th, 2014

@tsunimee Well, if he’s seeing double then you’re twice as beautiful…

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@johnfbraun (And if he had, the Sermon on the Mount would’ve had more snark, I reckon.)

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@johnfbraun *He* didn’t have to cope with chocolate Santas appearing in the supermarkets in July.

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“We all wish the magic of Christmas would start earlier…” NO WE DON’T. IF IT STARTS ANY EARLIER IT’LL FUCKING WRAP AROUND.

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MFinney The Feds go after AT&T. If you have an AT&T phone read this.…

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@shezza_t I feel extra-lucky now :D Try not to get washed away on the way home.

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Ah, Leigh Woods. The birdsong. The leaves. The refreshing lack of people asking you for money because you dared to step outside.

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If you’ve not gone out yet today in , (a) do; (b) don’t take a coat.

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Stepped outside. Considering going back for sunscreen.

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@BrisBeerFactory When you get where you’re going, buy a lottery ticket.

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DarmonRichter New blog post now up: “Hunting for Crocodiles in Bristol’s Dreadnought Drain”…

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@razziphoto All I needed was a reboot, it seems. Hope you’re as lucky.

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@razziphoto And that would be the swooping sound of an email being sent successfully. Also on Yosemite. Thanks @FastMailFM :)

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@FastMailFM @razziphoto Ta! Okay, maybe it is just me. Works from my other Mac. Hang on, I’m going to reboot this beast.

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@razziphoto @FastMailFM Well, at least I know I’m not alone. Thanks!

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@bristol247 Hang on, though, spelling aside, does that mean there’s a nighttime tearoom in Bristol?

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@christianrt Working from home means I can normally nip in when things are likely to be quiet. I’ll try the one at Clifton Down.

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@boagworld Yeah, my guess is they sneak in when I’m out drinking the night before.

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9am: Decide to catch up on email. 9:14am: Trying to debug SMTP connection to Fastmail. Let the yak shaving commence.

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@FastMailFM Any problems with SMTP at the mo? Having trouble sending (

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Martin1Williams What do we want? Northern Irish accents. When do we want them? Noiy.

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@SimpleLampoon @headfirstonly @rickilee On the other side of the street, a woman takes a taste of her “tea” and retches.

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stephencgrant “For you, the sky’s the limit!” - NASA rejection letter

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@guriben And I’ll be paying it on Friday 30th Penury.

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