I keep getting all excited by a hashtag, then realise that #walkingdead *isn’t* the one where Trevor Eve solves murders by shouting at them.
@PointyHound Thanks. That was a Praktika MTL-3.
@SimpleLampoon Though this is technically colour film, come to think of it—C41-process B&W…
@charloustone I feel suitably reassured :D
@charloustone Most likely shutter replacement with old age, right? No idea how much that costs, though…
@charloustone I’ve never tried a Nikon. Slightly scared that I’ll find out I would’ve gotten on better with them for the last decade!
@charloustone Yeah. My path has been 400D -> 60D -> 6D, so mostly I’m not missing anything :D
@charloustone Well, the 6D only has (*counts*) eleven..
@charloustone …a practical difference so far (e.g. only one cross-type sensor, etc.)
@charloustone I was surprised to find that the AF on the 6D was in some ways not as good as the 60D I replaced, though it’s not made…
@charloustone Ah, okay. I’ve not experienced the 5d ii AF. And most of the stuff I shoot doesn’t move very fast :)
@Ihnatko Don’t worry. One day they’ll forget to print “DO NOT EAT” on a batch of silica gel, and the cull will begin…
@charloustone What’s sending you down that road? (I just got a 6D, but was considering secondhand 5Dii, too…)

This was my first visit to @FCPcoffee, where the hip kids hang out. pic.twitter.com/GUDPftM6LZ

Last week, I was mostly shooting Ilford XP2 Super. pic.twitter.com/bSO6aOxCZj
@paul_clarke Tell him you think he’s corked.
@Bristol52 We turn the colour off in Hotwells for the winter. Cheaper.

@Bristol52 Spare a thought for the walkers, too :) pic.twitter.com/xMwAmqk3Mr
(I feel like that a *lot*…)
halvorson ICYMI: I wrote a @thepastrybox post about my chronic, unforgivable forgetfulness. ow.ly/CDH2R
@chris_j_hughes Nah, I think we’ve still got two or three of those…
@SimpleLampoon I can’t claim any knowledge. I normally go down the hill to eat rather than up…
@chris_j_hughes Yeah, it looked rather model-ish in reality at the time, too. Something about the light, maybe.
@tholder Never been in the place. I did have one of their pizzas from the pub next door once, though…

No more Strada in Clifton Village #bristol pic.twitter.com/G2gN24V5qh

I do need to fix that light leak, though. I’ve ordered some foam :) pic.twitter.com/c1FV23tBC9
@ChinaShopBull (I don’t have lens hoods for either of the M42 lenses I was using…)
@ChinaShopBull That was in post, I’m afraid :D Couldn’t do everything in camera!

Carefully reproducing the Instagram look by using an actual old camera with a light leak and expired film :D pic.twitter.com/DdhK0dUe8i