@FozzTexx @paul2dart Yeah, but then you have constant voltage drop. Cheap-arse solution is relying on shunt diode to trip fuse/protection.
@FozzTexx Reversed power supply polarity protection?
@Kavey :)
@headfirstonly @BristolArtCo Thanks. At least I had an umbrella with me :D

pourmecoffee “What It’s Like to Carry Your Nobel Prize through Airport Security” blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2… (via @sciam) pic.twitter.com/ci0TjBiEMh

Yes, that was *exactly* the right half-hour to take a walk in Bristol today. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/vvl3jKAlJT
Yeah. Apparently it was one of those nights. instagram.com/p/uAfLXpJCw_/