So. Whose idea was it to upgrade the traffic light PC from Windows 95 to Windows Millennium Edition during the rush hour, then? #bristol
@tsunimee But he’s vlogging about tidying, right?
hatsandbikes I’m currently controlling Bristol’s traffic lights from Amsterdam. Any requests?

BenRhysThomas Car on fire by the galleries in #bristol don’t bother getting in your car. Whole city cent roads gridlock
@hondanhon Are you on holiday in the 1990s?
@RellyAB Yeah. I think we need to plan some kind of heist.
RellyAB I’m a cyber criminal now, apparently.…
@fogus (And I never learned LISP for it, either…)
@fogus The fact that I’m still using it regularly having started in 1991 says a lot about how good it is in many situations. But yeah.
Paraprin Traffic light issues in Bristol mean the city is GRIDLOCK! Avoid if you can! #bristol #traffic #bristoltraffic #firstbusbristol
@hayles My coffee table and lightbulbs will wait for another day, then. Ta for mentioning that. Safe journey!
Holy moly, that’s a lot of red on the Google Maps traffic overlay for #Bristol.
@hayles So, are we saying tonight’s *not* the night for me to pop to IKEA?
FirstBSA Bristol: City Council have advised they have a technical problem on a large number of traffic signals. Delays possible to all services. PRM
@johnfbraun You’re lucky you have the Thanksgiving “firewall” to help it be that late.
@johnfbraun Seriously. Exactly that.
@anna_debenham So, if you do ride it, you’ll at least have to make sure there’s someone shooting high-speed 360-degree video :)
@whatchloecooked @Kavey I normally do. Won’t be going back again any time soon.
Tesco’s auto-checkouts have insincere Christmas-themed voice prompts and I just threw up a little in my mouth.