@AlasdairStuart (…I also think the same guy could have made an excellent Steve Jobs bio with that production!)
@AlasdairStuart Thanks. I liked it a lot. I may love it if I watch it enough more times that I start understanding the plot ;)
Ah. That could explain it. twitter.com/leeblackwood/s…
Watching _Primer_. Who recommended this geeky, compelling film to me? @AlasdairStuart, maybe?
JohnLyonTweets Tips for improving concentration:
-Make a list of tasks.
-Take on one task at a time.
-Take On Me was a fun song.
-Ooh I found the video.
@mrbrettkelly If you find out how to do it there or on iOS, let me know. Bloody annoying.
Briefly flipped on actual TV to set up Luther for recording. Straight into Songs of Praise as if to remind me why I rarely bother with it.
Oh, Alice, my Alice. *swoons* twitter.com/BBCOne/status/…
@Kavey Given the face she’s making, I’m not sure my grandma agrees :D

@Kavey I’ll take them over some of the other outfits from my youth. pic.twitter.com/KIXoDIiZga

Also: Mum’s little helper :) pic.twitter.com/T0DHkohD5r

@Kavey @Cookwitch @PeckhamRyeEats I think all our mums were pretty glam :) pic.twitter.com/1FVGblNU4J
@tyronem Maybe you should just fantasise about being in fantasy football leagues.
@griffinkate I understand it’s a parody of an American ad. But I’m buggered if I’m going to watch either of them to find out.

BeardyHowse The big anniversary of 2016 is the centenary of Lady Norman taking to the streets on her motorised scooter. pic.twitter.com/nFObHXLZoQ

@galg Woah there, dude. pic.twitter.com/nc3tWMq4Lv
@xabl @Dru_Marland I never do.
@Cookwitch @Kavey Yur. I don’t think I can get away from the scrubbing idea. I was sort of hoping for magic solution :)
@Kavey I’m thinking that whatever I do, there will definitely be scrubbing.
@Kavey I have hired a pressure washer in the past, but I was hoping to leave that until Spring when I can get the back yard ready for use.
@liveindetail (And I’d rather make them literally jump through a hoop, as that would avoid the steps, too, and be funnier to watch.)
@liveindetail I have considered that, but mostly I’m trying to be kind to visitors, and that seems quite a hoop to jump through.
@libbymiller @Dru_Marland Okay, so some form of bleach seems to be winning so far.
@Dru_Marland In that case, I’m going to scrub them with bleach, seasonal affective disorder and reality television.

mrshepcom English teachers favourite party game @Mr_Mike_Clarke pic.twitter.com/5UXa03CE5Y
Okay, Twitter, tips for de-slipperying slippery stone steps that seem to be only slippery in the wet and cold, please?

@OpinionatedGeek @shezza_t Can’t think why. pic.twitter.com/VwmnhuF6k0
I don’t care if this bodywarmer* makes me look like I work in a garden centre. It’s warm.
*No, this is definitely not a gilet.
@toddmotto God I would honestly really love one of those.

SupJess__ Disney needs to calm the fuck down. pic.twitter.com/4Ilkvm8P6d
@Hit_Delete *Sings* RUM-ti-tum-ti-tum-ti-tum, RUM-ti…
Overslept. On the plus side: slept. And awake in time for The Archers ;)