@justin Hrm. Given that I can think of films I’d happily pay £10 to un-see…
@simonblackwell If that’s your speed, you may want to try mint Oreos if you have the opportunity.
@SusanEveWhite @RevRichardColes My attention was recently drawn to a list of birdsong on alien planets in Blake’s 7: twitter.com/HelenJMacdonal…
PurpleSquidCopy I remember when December was about going to the pub instead of cleaning the house. Tragic that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost.

Park Street pic.twitter.com/wzGsI3mR2b

St Nick’s. #bristol pic.twitter.com/TvzA2hzVgf
@toddmotto My bad. My attention span is now officially so short I can forget the beginning of a tweet by the time I reach the end :)
@toddmotto I may have meant “yes”! Hell no, it’s not psychological ;)
@wordsfromluke I was thinking that as I was passing Pinkmans on Park Street earlier ;)
glynmoody world is officially bonkers, again… twitter.com/optionmonster/…
@hayles Because of course if there’s one thing that’s hard to find in Clifton Village it’s a cup of coffee.
@hayles They replaced stock with one of those godawful Costa coffee machines in the Clifton Village one this year.
@toddmotto Hell no. It’s less apparent with modern cars, but in the old days it was like being given a whole new car.

Pandamoanimum Still wondering what the hell would have to happen in a place for Terry to give it no stars. pic.twitter.com/PFdJYxuL29

Like @BristolFerry’s use of old charts in their decorations :) pic.twitter.com/OECOc9dpJk

gemmacorrell Shout out to everyone spending their Christmas parties talking to the house pets. pic.twitter.com/cPLDjdeTd5

Much as I would absolutely love the X-Pan, I can probably only afford the Canonet. pic.twitter.com/w8zJFctUqb

Paraphernalia. pic.twitter.com/aQ4Pu8KgiL

I’m always a little surprised when I walk past and the Grain Barge isn’t there. pic.twitter.com/4NyVrKNcUQ

WMNNews Reindeer gallops down streets after escaping from Christmas event at Tesco car park ow.ly/Wbs4j pic.twitter.com/lvzNtpSKua
@zanettoyarns That’s one of eight.

Should double as quite a good SAD lamp. pic.twitter.com/yEylPJB6Pu

@galg Not quite. But then that’s only 1/8 of the set. Getting there..pic.twitter.com/6oPnlxbadydy

Well, that should shed some light on the situation. pic.twitter.com/H1GCS4Ah7W
@meemalee Somewhere I have a photo of Avon, Blake and Vila signed by Darrow and Thomas so far… One day!
@meemalee By all accounts a lovely man. Never met him myself, though I’ve met several others of the cast.