Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 20th, 2015

@ThreesGame Is there also a bug which stops one sliding the next tile as quickly after preceding move in 1.3.4? Seems to miss my swipes. Ta!

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@invalidname I made mine with Chef, so I just have the problem that it’s going to be an utter pain remembering how I set it up last year :(

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@wordsfromluke That kind of slip starts happening as you approach your dotage.

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@PostOffice Hrm. Tried that. Line was so bad lady couldn’t understand my question. I think I’ll just go in the morning. Thanks for trying.

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bingowings14 My hangover has been going on for so long that I’m beginning to wonder if Peter Jackson directed it.

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@cstross @rupertg You’ll probably want to earth that, then.

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@CommittedShow For some reason, the grasping for comparisons of the new battery case led me…Io

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Technically, there were still blue skies for my walk home. It’s just there were several other colours, too.

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@_pigeons_ I thought I’d avoided all that. Cleverly. Sigh.

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What d’you mean, Bedminster’s becoming gentrified?

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@charlie_cat_esq Pet sitting can be awesome. Last time I basically got to go and stroke a cat next to a wood-burning stove.

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“Ooh!” I thought. “It’s stopped raining,” I thought. “I’ll nip down the shops.” *Climbs bodily into tumble dryer* *Pulls door shut*

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@ttscoff My answer: “Oh, right, yeah, forget about us British bayonet-fitting users, as fucking usual.”

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ttscoff Pretty much what I was expecting.

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@libbymiller I’m thinking that is also the case for the one in Clifton Village. I’m also thinking “Stupid fucking Post Office.”

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@hayles Well, I would, but you’ve *seen* how unmanageable my hair gets…

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So, do we reckon the Post Office in Clifton Village actually *is* open until 11pm tonight, or is the Post Office’s website lying?

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Seems a little pricey for a 2TB drive.

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headfirstonly Proving once again that there’s a Kickstarter for just about anything……

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@chubbybannister Oh, Christ, is it Sunday? *Switches radio on*

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jaffathecake The area behind my TV has built up some technical debt

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mathewi Fact-checking columnist gives up because people who share hoaxes don’t care whether they are true or not:…

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