@EffBeeee *were. Bloody autocorrect.
@EffBeeee Depends. We’re they hiding in your wardrobe at the time?
@corylus Sounds like someone just invented a new cocktail called the Cold Killer.

bridgetminamore they would never find your body pic.twitter.com/XXzGdGTDmA
danhhoang The annual phone book to recycling bin day. vine.co/v/iKIjdH5wW2w
@sean_robbins Maybe. So far I’m thinking that if I were the judge I’d have sentenced the defence attorney for overacting.
@MarkSkinner_ Don’t forget to report it, too.
MarkSkinner_ Anyone know where I can get replacement car no. plates from on short notice? Ours have been pinched! :|
@irace See also: Kindle Books. Sigh.

CultSFX Anyone fancy a bit of Blake’s 7? 34 years ago today since the last episode aired! #blakes7 pic.twitter.com/XjPR0zr3Yn
@simonindelicate Perfect, thanks!
@simonindelicate Say, do you happen to have the setup QR code for the Cardboard viewer for Elevator Music? Thanks!
@sean_robbins First.
@mikedunn Maybe. Some of the people who I remember being blown away by it were podcast hosts, though.
Serial: yet another thing that people I respect really, really like, but that I’m halfway through and not understanding why :(
@PostOffice North Street, Bristol.
@Bristolvor :(
@PostOffice And I will happily report that at least when I got to the counter staff were helpful and friendly.
@PostOffice One when I arrived, two by the time I left.
@PostOffice Only about half an hour :(
I’d advise you not to travel in Bristol if you can avoid it today. This isn’t because of traffic or safety; it’s just unrelentingly grim.

Bleugh. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/Tda6d2kfFN
@iamkeir Could probably squeeze a Fiat 500 on the driver’s side there.

Santa may be in for some surprises in south #Bristol. pic.twitter.com/2s8XvDCUrM
@ahnlak Mostly it seems to be the quiz about the exact contents of everyone’s parcels.
On the plus side, the queue’s next to the freezer section so we can probably stave off cannibalism for a few days.
That thing where the guy at the front of the queue is posting a single parcel. FOR AN HOUR.
@invalidname It’s an odd one. I seem to love some stuff he’s associated with (like Fringe) but mostly no, just no.

copseworker @GeorgeMonbiot I also offer this service for celebrity ‘woodsmen’ pic.twitter.com/vZXEEhsltO
@Libroantiguo @missmcq Wait. Is that actually a pitchspoon? dilbert.com/strip/1989-05-…

Excellent corrections #397: nytimes.com/2015/12/21/nyr… pic.twitter.com/6034OqWn7t
@jephjacques I had to get to the correction at the end to lose it :D
adafruit Niamh Scanlon named EU Digital Girl of the Year 2015 #WomenInSTEM adafru.it/kdZ

Cardboard. pic.twitter.com/GaxyzzH6pb
@bazzacollins @adambanksdotcom Sorry it took so long to re-tweet; I had to phone up my ISP to allow the word “creep” through.
bazzacollins Sky’s now switching on its smut filter by default. The growing, government-sponsored creep of net censorship continues.