I never quite understand this. £9.90 for the mp3 album or… Buy the CD for £6.04, get the MP3 version for freepic.twitter.com/J3Vra7FqLRLR
BeebsyMcA Forget 1966, because 1981 was pop’s year of revolution gu.com/p/4f6t6/stw No arguments here!
@HAPPYMEM0R1ES @Oafurfoxache They’re preparing for the attack on the Death Star in this scene, right? Classic SF.
@maureenjohnson “If you knock me back I shall rise more powerfully than you can possibly imagine.”
I’m definitely more into character than plot. _Lie to Me_ is basically an excuse for Tim Roth to be very, very Tim Roth. Which is fab.
@charlie_cat_esq I’d be pretty chuffed with that, but then my parents living in Greece probably makes it more expected ;)
@jdriscoll Are there other differences in your dimension? Do you have the letter “J”?

ThreesGame Happy Threesday!
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@porthjess @waiyeehong Yeah. What @hayles said.
@thekarleighshow Don’t kid us, Karleigh. He’s a stockbroker, isn’t he?
@porthjess @waiyeehong @hayles Someone tied me to a sofa and made me watch Goonies last year.
@soffes Have you double-checked your phone bill, just in case?
@waiyeehong I reckon I could give @hayles some competition on that score.
@alicej_t Oh dear God yes. Yes.