@HeardinLondon You hit “?”. (Works on Flickr, too! :) )
Star of the #andthentherewerenone show for me is @stuartearl’s menacing music.
@Bristolvor @archidave Oh! Coincidence: not heard of it before today but just found out bits of this BBC Agatha Christie were filmed there.

@archidave D’oh. I know where mine is :) pic.twitter.com/nDwHZKNXMe

@cahootify Nothing on that list, but I did pick up some lighting..pic.twitter.com/ilkRBpl9JlJl
@dangusset Ah. The influence of the school extends a bit further than I was expecting ;)
@dangusset Guessing you must be somewhere near me…
Unexpected Christmas gift: my neighbours are away, so I can play loud guitar guilt-free. *Writes a song*
@juliaindelicate Glad you said that. #criedabit
benfraserlee The best thing about getting a Chromecast Audio for Christmas is convincing my mum that there’s a poltergeist in the kitchen
@samsneed12 Oooh, an unexpected late entry for Lie of the Year 2015.
@drwave Yeah. Somewhat confused by “child prodigy”, I think.
@stroughtonsmith I don’t own an iPad, but I’d certainly consider a 16GB version to start with.
@invalidname A lot of themes, even pretty good ones, don’t seem designed to be “good parents”. Shame.
@chubbybannister Oops, didn’t see this tweet at the time for some reason. Not sure what the iPlayer delay would be, but I’d guess 10 secs…
@archidave Did someone get you the new Lynx Cordite set for Christmas?
@RedQueenCoder I didn’t, until I’d heard it mentioned in a few episodes of _House_ and looked it up…
Be careful out there, folks. Seem to be quite a few people who got a driving licence in their Christmas cracker.
@stuvlog *Looks out of window* You’re not missing much.
Should probably go out and do a bit of shopping.
@C_J_Fox I’m still trying to get there *jealous*
@chrismarquardt And people laugh at the German language’s long compound words. Turns out English has them too :)
@chubbybannister Yeah, that’ll be a fairly big delay. I’m on FM so I can have it on in every room easily ;) #oldschool
@chubbybannister You on DAB or FM?

BBCNews “This is the worst I’ve ever seen it” - central York this morning bbc.in/1Tm2S4d #flooding pic.twitter.com/y39Q5aEVHu
Fun in the owners’ enclosure with a couple of fillies..#thearchersrs
@EffBeeee Sorry.

Busy busy busy today. Got to eat this and finish my coffee before The Archers, for a start. pic.twitter.com/GayVuLiDN9
simonblackwell This period between Christmas and New Year I always think of as training for old age, as I sit by the fire and ask my wife what day it is.