@mousedogbaby You’re very welcome. Here’s hoping it actually worked :)
@mousedogbaby 5) Left-hand menu, hit “Apps”. You should now be on the right sodding page.
@mousedogbaby 4) Should now see desktop Twitter site. Hit your avatar icon top right, then choose Settings.
@mousedogbaby 3) Scroll along the bottom list, hit “Request Desktop Site.”
@mousedogbaby 1) When it tells you the same thing it did before, hit the share button at the bottom of the screen (arrow up from rectangle)
@mousedogbaby 1) Copy this link, and open it in Safari: twitter.com/settings/appli…
@mousedogbaby Okay, this may be a bit fiddly, but:
@mousedogbaby Might be one of those ones that tricks you into authorising it and then spreads like a virus :(
@mousedogbaby Ah, that sucks. Looks like that page doesn’t work on mobiles. Do you have an actual computer around to try it on?
@mousedogbaby Does anything linkis-related appear in the list here: twitter.com/settings/appli…?
@mousedogbaby So from within the Instagram app itself, for example? On a phone?
@mousedogbaby How are you initially making the posts that are getting hijacked?

chrisphin Wonderful to see Bath’s sandwich shops exhorting a sceptical populace to embrace bleeding edge culinary innovations. pic.twitter.com/gEJSklO5CX
@jakepjohnson Not sure I’ve ever had one. Presumably it increases the pastry-to-filling ratio?
@chris_coys It’s a mile and a half away and the sound of the piledriver woke me up at a quarter to four in the morning last time :(
@charlie_cat_esq Hrm. Never tried with avocado. *Adds to “give a try” list*.
@Kavey Aww. Taking a couple of weeks of downtime right now to try to restore my energy. Hopefully this will improve 2016 hug-chances.

bbcpointswest ‘Noisy’ Bristol Metrobus work starts early Christmas morning => bbc.in/1IcYLHb pic.twitter.com/RESfmXIfMy
PostOffice @gothick Lots of coffee sometimes helps :) Lucy
@imyke @_connectedfm “I’m a realist.” LOL ;)
Current status: waiting for the hangover to lift enough that I feel capable of wrapping things and hitting the Post Office.
@griffinkate I don’t think I ever get there. Mostly I’m, “Christ, is it not the time I can safely have another one yet? Urgh.”
@justan0therdave I have a little old bureau and it’s ace. I supplement with a folding table for occasional I NEED SPACE DAMMIT needs.
@justan0therdave Aww. At least it will keep on being a good desk for someone. Got a replacement in mind?
@PollyVVore I’ve been to the kitchen and that was plenty.