CultSFX The model of the Enterprise cross-section carved out by the Borg beam. #StarTrek pic.twitter.com/w3W4XWtVtJ
@EffBeeee They’re the ones who’ve Been Replaced. The starch plays hell with their alien stomach lining. They can only digest humans. Beware.
MattFnWallace The modern pulp noir private eye is hired by paranoid social media users to investigate the meaning of passive-aggressive subtweets.
@aallan Is that oversaturated colour a side effect of NTSC encoding? :)

Really hoping the illustrator did that label. pic.twitter.com/RMYq8urVod
RellyAB The first rule of nap club is you don’t talk about nap club because I’m trying to nap.
@petedrinks “…than some other alcoholic beverages…” Like what? Baileys? Egg nog?
There seem to have been about five people trying to park a small car in a large space outside my house for about an hour now.

@unearthedSimon Couple of minutes’ walk from me in Bristol, just outside Entrance Lock :) pic.twitter.com/Ce7EVvnL4z

Mud, glorious mud. pic.twitter.com/t61hcVpZOE
@benjohnbarnes It’s pretty perfect. Favourite fact: it’s 3 feet higher on Clifton side to make it *look* level.

In-between week walk. pic.twitter.com/G5mfSscdEk
@hotdogsladies I’m making a Kickstarter to sabotage @johnroderick’s RV. The stories are too good to have it working properly.

dorrian60 Only in Ireland 👍 pic.twitter.com/jOkbLo26DU
Gary_Bainbridge Lemmy was 70, which is 100 in rock ‘n’ roll years, and 120 in Lemmy years.
@canonfd I’m sure I would enjoy it, but I already have a couple of lovely rangefinders, and probably too many cameras in general!

I don’t know much about Lemmy. Though in 2004, I was given his facial hair for a friend’s college assignment. pic.twitter.com/ieSBUtvMnC