@mhoulden Coolio.
@mhoulden Wait, there’s a mute button?
Picking up many great little tips from @5tu’s Lightroom Iron Chef video: youtube.com/watch?v=7tNWhU…

Playing with a Cinemascope aspect ratio. pic.twitter.com/5hVrwPHpVM

Into the arms. pic.twitter.com/CpWBonlU1m

Sunburst. pic.twitter.com/UfMV8fdJQO
@EffBeeee Thus end all my whirlwind romances.
@EffBeeee I have a bathroom with a cupboard that needs painting, you know. And a wipe-clean vinyl floor. *Alluring stare*
@EffBeeee Hang on, though. *thinking face* That means we’d always have to have two bottles… *fetches Tipp-Ex for list*
@EffBeeee WAIT. It’s *white* wine? *Shakes head sadly* *Crosses off list*.
@EffBeeee Oopsie. On the plus side, you appear to have emergency wine available. That kind of planning is a a definite plus in a girlfriend.
TheToddWilliams Kid: WAAAHH! MY TOY IS BROKEN!!
Dad: Nothing a little duct tape won’t fix…
Kid: mfflr..frrrr..strnnn
@Nose_in_a_book Ah. Wonder if it’s Patriot Act related, or something similar. Lot of odd US rules to avoid money laundering since 9/11.
@Nose_in_a_book …with some of them you can pre-warn them of potentially suspicious purchases.
@Nose_in_a_book My guess would definitely be that it’s fraud detection. You *may* be able to get around it by calling the card company…
@Nose_in_a_book They’re a credit card company. They’ve never given anything to anyone without an ulterior motive ;)
@Nose_in_a_book Hrm. Are you trying to buy something on your card to deliver to her address? Because that a fraud red flag.
@Nose_in_a_book …makes me wonder if your specific card company might be being a bit overly fraud-protecty?
@Nose_in_a_book That’s not something I’ve noticed, and I’ve bought a *lot* of stuff online for years.
libbymiller GCHQ open sourced “Gaffer, a framework to store large-scale graphs in which the nodes and edges have statistics” (!) github.com/GovernmentComm…