@nineweeks This is the kind of thing that can keep a physics Ph.D. student going for weeks…
@nineweeks …but I always figured it was probably either the mug or the amount of water in the mug (a la blowing bottles…)
@nineweeks I’ve always wondered that. If you stir while you pour you can hear the tapping sound change.
@MandinaM D’oh.
@MandinaM You’ll never know.
katbrown As @virginmedia don’t seem to acknowledge complaints very well, I have baked my feelings. instagr.am/p/erpxc/
Geekity-geek. #geek
The #Android 9-patch editor was written by a sadist, right? Grr. #geekytweet #sorry
@BenPark Ben, this is Google. Google, this is Ben. (Sorry, I just figured you’d never met before…)
@guriben I’d be more inclined to believe Bruce Springsteen. Although he might get your country of birth wrong, I suppose.
@guriben (My Dad had his passport nicked, and they still query it when he does anything passport-related. Having the “lost” one will help.)
@guriben Make sure you keep hold of the old one now you’ve found it. It can give you hassle for years if you can’t prove what happened.