Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 5th, 2012

@nineweeks This is the kind of thing that can keep a physics Ph.D. student going for weeks…

via Echofon in reply to nineweeks

@nineweeks …but I always figured it was probably either the mug or the amount of water in the mug (a la blowing bottles…)

via Echofon in reply to nineweeks

@nineweeks I’ve always wondered that. If you stir while you pour you can hear the tapping sound change.

via Echofon in reply to nineweeks

katbrown As @virginmedia don’t seem to acknowledge complaints very well, I have baked my feelings.

via Instagram (retweeted on 9:45 PM, Jan 5th, 2012 via Echofon)

The 9-patch editor was written by a sadist, right? Grr.

via Echofon

@BenPark Ben, this is Google. Google, this is Ben. (Sorry, I just figured you’d never met before…)

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

@guriben I’d be more inclined to believe Bruce Springsteen. Although he might get your country of birth wrong, I suppose.

via Echofon in reply to guriben

@guriben (My Dad had his passport nicked, and they still query it when he does anything passport-related. Having the “lost” one will help.)

via Echofon in reply to guriben

@guriben Make sure you keep hold of the old one now you’ve found it. It can give you hassle for years if you can’t prove what happened.

via Echofon in reply to guriben