Today, I have mostly been snapping birds: and plants:
@RamonYouseph Ta. There’s a few good ones in today’s lot. I have quite a processing backlog to get through, now, though.
@ollieflips Tip: sleep in your jogging gear. Really helps for me!
@liveindetail @MsMottram Oooh, yes, likewise. And thank you!

About to make tea and go through today’s photos. Here is a sneak-preview of one, unedited.
@nickdonnelly Two big screens, couple of different pointing devices, keyboard with enough keys on it, 4TB of quick disk.
@benjohnbarnes Just had a couple of days this week involving day-long headaches :(
@KaveyF Well, it at least distracted me somewhat. At the end of the walk I bought some Neurofen Plus, which might be kicking in a bit, too.
Hmm. I took 362 photos this afternoon. I think I may have been using photography as therapy.
@KaveyF You and me both, babe. This sucks. *hug*
Wandering photographer.
@Jorence Thank you. I am taking photos of seagulls whilst drinking coffee. It is helping.
Another day, another headache. Sigh. Going for a walk.
Has anyone in the UK with an Apple TV ever seen more of @NetflixUK than “Netflix is currently unavailable”? #isitjustme
My rubber duck capsizes too easily. #firstworldproblems #bigheadduck
Right. Going to drag self from bed and make COFFEE.
Ugh. Nice dinner party last night, but didn’t get to sleep until about 3 and slept badly. At least I don’t have to do much today.

WaterstonesTCR I saw the apostrophe on my way to work this morning. It’s not looking too well.
Trying the new “mixed berry” flavour Berocca. Do I know how to party on a Saturday night, or what? Oh. #what
@tsunimee @KaveyF That is my new favourite hashtag. #petemakeusabriocheplease
@Ihnatko Yeah, I thought that was a nice bit of extra polish, too. Especially for a fairly minimalist design. Cute.
nkrishnaswami Note: unless it can fly and shoot laser beams out of its eyes, it’s not a superfood.