ememess New blog up: Soft SOPA: I’m wearily aware that the following is going to mark me down as wrong-headedly fascist … bit.ly/wKSsR2
@Narshada Will do!
@Narshada I have friends in Ely. Which is the only reason I know how to pronounce it! Nice place.
@Narshada Oh. Goodness! Well, Cambridgeshire’s nice. Which bit?
@benjohnbarnes Sister Act is now showing at the Bristol Hippodrome. I think it’s just vaguely possible that there’s a connection.
@benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes As with so many films, I’m afraid I’ve never seen it.
@chris_j_hughes How could it be _more_ upbeat?
@chris_j_hughes What? The hero lives, he gets the girl, the dystopian oppressor is destroyed, and humans re-learn the value of growing old!
@chris_j_hughes But… It’s *got* a really upbeat ending!
Also: Nuns! flic.kr/p/bfrETD #bristol #sisteract
@BenPark @RamonYouseph Ooof. Just the sheer cold horror of Walkabout is enough to not make me thing naughty thoughts about Jenny Agutter.
@BenPark Yup, its weirdness is one of its more compelling aspects, but pales beside the allure of Jenny Agutter #drool.
beach_fox MPAA calls the Internet going dark in protest of SOPA “An abuse of power”. In related news, the Eye of Sauron accuses Hobbits of terrorism.
@meemalee @CityJohn @KaveyF Bearing in mind I’ve never heard of *either* of them, I don’t have a lot at stake in this argument.
@ShabbyBean You know how to party, don’t you?
@meemalee Excellent, O Bionic-Eyed One.
Snappity: Lloyds’ amphitheatre, #bristol: flic.kr/p/bfrWac
@meemalee Anyway. Enough of my filmic ignorance. How are your new eyes? Enjoying them?
@meemalee Well, I’ve never seen any of his films, either, so that’s probably a good comparison :D
@meemalee I don’t know who that is. I shall probably be a grump and insist the original is better regardless. #grumpyoldman
Ooh! Logan’s Run. Thanks, Film4.
@Nose_in_a_book WooooOOOooOOOOOOoOOoOOOOOooooOOOOooo #woo

solarce programming demystified: i.imgur.com/VhlQK.gif
It’s only with the arrival of iTunes Match that I’ve come to realise just how much of my music collection I couldn’t give a toss about.
@BlackDogDays @emmafurious I know the feeling! Ta for invite; always nice to get away from work for a bit :)
@Jorence @emmafurious I recognise him! ;)
@BlackDogDays @emmafurious Could do! Will you still be there in the time it takes a slow person to get there from Hotwells?
Time for a wander, I reckon. *heads shopwards*
RT @KaveyF: Roasting your own green coffee beans… in a popcorn machine! kaveyeats.com/2012/01/poppin… <— Another guest post from me :)