Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 8th, 2012

RT @MissEmmeline: just back from lovely day out to @Colonna_Smalls for great coffee followed by Lacock Abbey with @gothick <— Yup! Fab day!

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@flickytwit @Debbiegreeneyes If turning it upside down and shaking it “reboots” it, he may have been conned by the computer shop.

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Feeling slightly better today. Slowly getting ready for a trip to Colonna & Smalls, and possibly Lacock Abbey.

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This morning’s dream involved @guriben being in charge of controlling the weather for Bristol. *looks out of window suspiciously*

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@Phooto I think the problem is probably rather deeper than that. Hang on a mo. Yup. Same message in Chrome and Firefox!

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@Phooto This website seems to be a bit confused by Safari.

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Er. Remind me, what year is it again?

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@the3rdgirl I thought they were always prescribed as a pair.

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@thenicolabryant Hmm. I may have made the wrong choice with _The Manchurian Candidate_…

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“It’s been called the movie sensation of 2012…” I can’t help but think that’s not the highest accolade you could award on 8th January.

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