Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 31st, 2012

@tweeny4 I know what you mean. Currently waiting for hot water bottle to warm my toes up to sleeping temperature :(

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@tweeny4 Presumably it should be in the red range?

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Right, Twitter. I have a busy day tomorrow and I’ve been knackered since I woke up. Early night time, I think…

via Echofon

@andybeebristol @Lillput Or we could reschedule — I can definitely do Thursday or Friday?

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@Lillput @andybeebristol Awww. Believe me, there will be *plenty* of other times I fancy lunch somewhere nice in town.

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@KaveyF (a) Good luck for the lasering. (b) Thank you for reminding me of a great gig I went to once. (… ) @tsunimee :)

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@andybeebristol Fine by me! I’ll aim to hit the River Station at 12ish.

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@andybeebristol Yup — River Station? When? I’m pretty flexible, time-wise.

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@Phooto Classy. Does that photo imply that if you go out in public in a pink onesie, someone’s likely to break your legs?

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@Adamy323 That’s sort of what I had in mind. Better than programming in a slanket, anyway…

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@sidewalkfinds Just passed this and thought of you ;)

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DomUtton Poetry, pedantry and (not) watching Panorama. Today’s Letter to

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Holey Moley and a flat white. @ Boston Tea Party, Clifton

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@extractcoffee :) If your orders this week involve a single awkward bag of Dr. Strangelove for the Mall Deli, that’s my fault :D

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Not so cold in my flat today. Which is good, as yesterday I was contemplating buying a onesie for programming in.

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@extractcoffee It’s good stuff, maaaan. Though I’m on the standard espresso at the mo. *raises mug in salute*

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@JustinOwen Good to hear. You don’t want to be panicking before lunch.

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@JustinOwen No problem. I don’t know Bath well enough to see if the exclusions are OTT or not, myself.

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@JustinOwen e.g. in the Alexandra Park bit, they seem to be only banning them from the bowling green and the children’s play area.

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@JustinOwen Er. It looks a bit like it, but if you click through to the details, they seem to be banning them from particular bits.

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@utterben Trying to figure out the best way of putting that on Tumblr…

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