Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 27th, 2012

@Mouse_House I didn’t drop! I think. *pats self down*. Nope. No droppage.

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@archidave @Lillput *snigger* I dub thee “Grandad Y-Front”.

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@shezza_t Something tells me you might be exactly as interested in hip-hop as I am in cricket.

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So, according to Google, I’m a 45-54 year old woman, who’s interested in cricket. This may explain why I ignore ads. Thanks, @mattgemmell

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mattgemmell Find out what Google thinks your age, gender and interests are:… (specific to each browser/machine, not Google Account)

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@liveindetail Did you miss the hashtag, or is there more than one of them?

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@mattgemmell Would wearing a strip of icons like medal ribbons be taking things too far?

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@markmilian So, you don’t think $FOOK will fly, then?

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Hrm. Being reminded why I don’t watch films very often.

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I might watch a film tonight. People who know me will understand what a rarity this is.

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@julesmattsson Did it have a strong smell of diesel before five fire trucks pulled up outside it?

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@stevevrporter I’m generally pro-meat, but anti-whatever-the-heck-liver-is. (Though I do like pate, so maybe it’s a texture thing.)

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@Jorence Hmph. Maybe when there’s enough money coming it that I can justify it as a business expense…

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@stevevrporter Order it to be taken away and put with other non-food items in a different building, right?

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JuliaBFit RT @ajhalls1: A van full of gas canisters has exploded on Euston Road. Emergency services tackling fire.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:01 PM, Jan 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@BlackDogDays Can you get her to say, “Easy squeezy cheesy peas, please”?

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Snappity. This was where I gave up walking home: and here’s when it got dry enough to try again:

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ollymoss My girlfriend left her kindle at my house so I jailbroke it and added some new authors to her screensaver rotation.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:27 PM, Jan 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Home. Tired, slightly damp, and with achey feet. Tummy full of sweet & sour chicken after lunch w@MissEmmelineline. *lies down*

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(And thanks to @nigellegg for popping up to say hi while I sheltered from the storm :) )

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Right. Walk home, attempt #2.

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@hayles They’re also on top of the council house, though I’m fairly sure it took me a few years to notice.

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I failed in my racing of the clouds. Have turned back. In @wshed until it stops raining or they run out of latte, whichever comes first.

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Racing the Impending Clouds of Doom home.

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@benjohnbarnes See, this is one of the reasons I got an accountant yesterday. I hate that crap, and they don’t charge much to do it for you.

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Coffee #1’s “animallows” :)

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@hayles I like but I feel like I have already over-instagrammed today :)

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@davidpatrick It was pretty still. Felt a lot windier when I got up to bridge level though!

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@Squonk Yeah, it’s fab out. I would probably have been slowly plodding up a steep hill at that point; I guess the dot wasn’t moving much!

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Navteq camera car. Wonder if it was snapping me as I was snapping it?

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Observatory (having jogged the long way round from the place I took the last picture!)

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That’s the highest tide I’ve seen in a while…

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