@paul_clarke Indeed.
@caitlinmoran @faithlehanne Are we even sure the US and UK companies are related, beyond a coincidence of name?
@GossipHub That was rather what I was suspecting. *sigh*.
I’m only asking because the UK firm mentions @lafitnesstips on its home page, and has a different logo from @LAFitness.
Erm. Are we sure that (the American) @LAFitness is the same firm as the UK LA Fitness being chastised by the Guardian?
@nicepaul How much effort would it take to simulate humanly irregular key presses?
@KellySibson I could, but I was halfway home when it crossed my mind. Will be apparently-randomly generous next time :)
Arse. Forgot to tip. #guiltyfeeling
@ianmcshane *bows*
@hayles Tip for the future: when doing free work, send invoice showing normal rate, reduced by “introductory discount”.
@ianmcshane If you had a 4S, you could ask Siri to remind you to try Evi again in a week.
@ianmcshane I’m not sure I want our potential robot overlords having that much smarts yet.
@ianmcshane Clearly voice recognition and natural language processing require significantly more wellie that you can hold in one hand yet :)
@ianmcshane Nor me. But yes, having checked, Siri sends voice data to servers for recognition & processing.
@hayles What, is there *another* new Twitter?
@ianmcshane Siri still sends the audio command up to a server to interpret it, doesn’t it? Don’t think it recognises locally.
@ianmcshane From what I remember, Siri was like that for days at launch. Must be hard to provision for everyone jumping on at once.
This morning, I will mostly be programming with a bit of loo roll stuck to my face. Nothing enhances that pro feeling like a shaving mishap.
Tech repair stories from developing countries. Really interesting idea! ifixit.org/301/announcing… (via 52tiger.net)
@hayles We are *all* Twitter beta testers. Until they find a way of making it profitable.
@ianmcshane I’ve now had Evi responses. Not too impressive. “What temperature is it outside” gives link to Wikipedia article on temperature.
@bccore *snigger* Yes, sorry, I admit my comment wasn’t exactly topical :)
@hayles *Everyone* joined Twitter after you. Also, I’ve never seen you and @ev together in the same room. Coincidence?
akbea Every time I look at my timeline I can count at least two Bonnie Tyler satnav jokes. I’m holding out for a zero.