Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 23rd, 2012

So far, my experiences with Evi match what I remember seeing from Siri when it first launched.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@Ninja_lynneja Your secret is safe with… er, a cheap-arse alcoholic, apparently.

via Echofon in reply to Ninja_lynneja

@chrismarquardt Find a VHS player. It’s probably a documentary called “Help! I am a prisoner in an Amazon warehouse!”

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lturrentine 4K of IBM memory found in my grandpa’s pole barn, captured in a 692K photo.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:39 PM, Jan 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

@Ninja_lynneja Maybe. I am, slightly guiltily, drinking a can of ready-made G&T. £3 for 2 at Co-Op made my decision for me.

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@bccore “Merged changes, I think”? I wish there was a “Like” button on bitbucket :D

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Mmmmm. That’s better. &t

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@betty_watson I just wish they’d gone for it for longer. I’d only just got the recording app fired up when they stopped. :)

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@ghostfinder @Harkaway I realise these are unlikely to be read, but I enjoy writing them, regardless.

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@Harkaway @ghostfinder I have been sending increasingly sarcastic crash reports. Last answer to “what were you doing?”: “Typing some words.”

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Just posted a photo @ Sky

via Instagram

@dietjustice Do a jigsaw. At least you’ll find some corner pieces.

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@mnowster That does not need an explanation that beyond, “Well, d’uh! It’s the _Danger Mouse_ theme!”

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@MShapland Your police actually put body text in their emails? I’ve only ever seen ours email Word documents called “letterhead.doc” around.

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Wow. Loud, screamy sweary couple split-up in the street just outside. That was a lot of emotion.

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@hayles @PomegranateEB Aww. Shame!

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@mattgemmell You bought travel insurance. Fine. And a plane ticket. Fine. Breakfasted at Heathrow. Fine. OMGZYOUAREINANOTHERCOUNTRYKLAXONZ!

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RT @petedrinks: I don’t spend ALL my time drinking beer you know. Sometimes I make it too!… <— tempting hobby…

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Morning, all. I am having a tidy-the-flat, sort-the-recycling, write-to-folks-I’m-feeling-guilty-about-not-writing-to day off work today.

via Echofon

tomroyal The App Store could be immeasurably improved by putting a ‘have you emailed the developer?’ link next to the one star rating option..

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 9:26 AM, Jan 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

I think tomorrow shall be an Official Day Off, so I can catch up on the many non-work things I’ve been letting slip.

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