Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 12th, 2012

@dktom I’ve got plenty. My parents live in Crete, which helps ;) It’s not so good for Chinese-style stir-fries, though.

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@g_e_r_b There’s probably nothing more dangerous than an oiled Librarian.

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Kavey @gothick or you were really pissed off when you wrote it and missed the leading “f”

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@ahnlak Waterstone’s? Oh, sorry. Waterstones?

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I have “ooking oil” on my shopping list. I wonder if that’s something to do with monkeys?

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@ahnlak That’s the kind of thing you only do once, hopefully.

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@ahnlak Surely you can locate them by the scent of burned paper and lead solder?

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@ahnlak Any computer or electronics geek over the age of around 30 stands a good chance of having one in the house :)

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@ahnlak …Bernard Babani is astoundingly well-known cheap electronics book publisher of goodness. I’d take a punt for £4.

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@ahnlak No, but solar cells have. But yes, principle should be there. I have several Owen Bishop books & all are good. Also, …

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@ahnlak Hrm. This:… …has no details, but Owen Bishop knows what he’s doing. However, looks quite old. Hrm.

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@ahnlak I honestly don’t know. Certainly sounds plausible, but I’d just end up googling for circuits on the internet, so I’m not much help.

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@ahnlak @asic69 “No, Mr. Gibson, I expect you to *hand your bloody homework in on time!*”

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@ahnlak @asic69 Glad you weren’t hired by *my* old electronics teacher to torture me. He’d a 7W helium laser in his pantry last I saw him.

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@ahnlak A low-power UPS circuit? What the arse are you doing?

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@KaveyF Aww, what nice comments. :)

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(And to be fair, it’s probably worth about as much. But it was just as bad before the Eurozone crisis.)

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I never feel quite so un-European as when I try to pay a cheque in Euros into a British bank. You’d think this was an IOU for fairy dust.

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“Get runing” is such a popular search term to find @getrunningapp that I think out next app should be an early Norse alphabet trainer.

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