Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 26th, 2012

@LindaKleineberg Heh. Well, I’m glad you took it in the spirit it was intended. Weirdo. :D

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@hjarche Sorry, I can’t hear you over the bubbling sounds from my red-hot phone as Skype drains its battery…

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@Lillput @andybeebristol Looks like I can do most lunchtimes from next week onwards…

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“Skype for iPhone - Do more every day”. I don’t *want* to do more every day. I want to do *less* every day, you productivity-cult weirdos.

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@Mouse_House Haven’t actually watched anything on it yet, in fact! Hoping have just been unlucky in my viewing desires so far.

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@Mouse_House Yes, but I have quite odd taste. So far, missing Wargames (yes, the 1980s one), Fringe, old Dr Who (all of which LoveFilm have)

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@Mouse_House Bah. And it seems it’s yet *another* thing I now fancy watching that’s not on NetFlix. (I’m in the “free month” trial period.)

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@Mouse_House Can I video it and watch it when I wake up?

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@Mouse_House Doesn’t everyone? Actually, to be honest, I just want to be in bed, asleep.

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@andybeebristol I re-inflated the old one I had lying around. Which, frankly, was quite a lot of exercise in itself. *rests aching leg*

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mrchrisaddison Hahaha! The arrows either really could have been designed better or really couldn’t have been designed better.

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@RellyAB Apart from the more-obvious slang, a one-time value, often a random number used for authentication once and then discarded.

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@Phooto All that, plus I *hate* filling in the damn forms. Well worth the money, aye.

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@foxc @KaveyF Yup. Easy enough to ramp up later if needs be, but I want to keep things as small and simple as possible for now.

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@KaveyF @foxc Won’t actually need to be for quite some time, I’d think; will need to natter more with accountant about whether I want to.

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@foxc @KaveyF Ta. I will be dealing with small companies to start with, and will change up later on if necessary.

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@KaveyF Oh! Silly me. I was expecting you on Skype. Hang on.

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@mistymaria @KaveyF I can live with that, as long as the domain’s free!

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@KaveyF Hrrrm. “MG Inventions”?

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@KaveyF It does not help that there are a billion other Matt Gibsons, who all appear to be into programming and photography.

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@KaveyF *poke* I’m just trying to get used to the idea that it probably wouldn’t fly at the same time as trying to think up something else.

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@KaveyF Yes, but this has to go down relatively well with corporates, accountants and the Revenue. Can’t see the “git” bit flying too well.

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@KaveyF Probably not, all things considered. Fine for personal use, but I don’t know who I might have to work for in the long run…

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@KaveyF Basically, I’m just going to find a domain name that’s vaguely appropriate and hasn’t already been taken, and be that.

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@KaveyF I’m not going to be a limited (well, not yet, anyway.)

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@KaveyF Yur, I got to find me a “trading as”.

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“Klout believes you are influential about Heaven”. You heard it here first, folks. I’m right in there with St. Peter.

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@KaveyF …but it kind of snowballed from “er, I think I may need an accountant” to signing up and having them set me up as self-employed.

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@KaveyF Not so much an accident, as finally passing an accountant’s office at the same time as having the energy to look into getting one.

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@mhoulden No, but there’s a three-for-two on quantity surveyors.

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@KaveyF Roughly halfway between the corner shop and the supermarket, in fact.

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I went out for milk and appear to have retained an accountant. And some milk. Bonus.

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Lunching with @netmag :) @ Stoneground

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@matt_fwyalchen Is there a mobile app that just plays circus music at the touch of a button?

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MsLisaCampbell You Tube commissions doc makers to tell science/human stories behind Hadron Collider culminating in feature-legth doc

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In the time it has taken me to get ready to go out into the sunshine, it’s gone dark and started raining. There may be a metaphor in this.

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Right. Daylight time. Clifton Village. Lunch.

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@psidnell I actually heard that one live :D

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@hayles Oh. Right. *wanders off, absent-mindedly* *stands in kitchen wondering what he’s gone there for*

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@hayles I hadn’t heard of them *after* their ambassador programme. Are they one of those little eastern European countries?

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*Currently* *bouncing* *at* *my* *desk* *on* *my* *exercise* *ball*

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@chrisphin Hi! [ MATT ] would like to send you a humorous reply on Twitter. [ ] Accept.

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@ajjmcd I’m relatively sure that the babies don’t get a bib number and an official time, though :D

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The Android app surgery may’ve gone wrong. Every time I start my Service, I get text from my friend Nicki on the iPhone.

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RuthBarnett Called a switchboard, asked for the press office. Got put through to a weary-sounding man called Mr Press who said “they always do this…”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:29 AM, Jan 26th, 2012 via Echofon)

Doing major surgery on an Android application.

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*sigh* When creating an online entry form for a half-marathon, how smart is it to make the “year of birth” a drop-down list starting “2012”?

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