Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 11th, 2012

@boagworld No. You just have an incompatible sofa.

via Echofon in reply to boagworld

@Mouse_House Yes. And I did eventually get down to work and put in a decent day.

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@Mouse_House Flickr meet last night. And there was a Bath Ales beer so nice it made me leave my car at the pub so I could drink more!

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@Mouse_House Once I recovered from my hangover, yes, thank you. How was yours?

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@tyronem I don’t use it enough, either. It always takes me about an hour to get used to XSL again, but once I’m there I really enjoy it…

via Echofon in reply to tyronem

Ah, XPath, how do I love thee? count(//way)

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@benjohnbarnes @north5 I just use OpenDNS and ban the DM site using their filtering rules.

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British Bulldog. @ Underfall Yard

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@ahnlak Quick! Dress as a pharoah and start ordering him about!

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@benjohnbarnes Lemme know if you want me to call your actual phone; might work better than Skype over mobile data…

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Oh, coffee. Thank you for your help this morning.

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